
Saevio Proelium's Tomb near the Monument to the Defeat of Palawa Joko
- Verify if the Tomb of Saevio Proelium is intact.
- The tomb has been breached! The Order of Whispers must know right away!
- See Whispers Acolyte for your reward.
Obtained From
- 2,000 XP
- 250 Gold
- 10 Lightbringer Points
- "Hello, <name>. The Order of Whispers needs your help. We have devoted our lives to protecting the land and its people from mystical threats, including that of Abaddon. Most of what we know of the God of Secrets comes from one of his creatures that we captured, at great cost, nearly a hundred years ago. We interrogated this Titan, Saevio Proelium, and when he would no longer aid us, sealed him away in a tomb.
- During the recent storms, a great commotion was heard around that tomb. We need someone to go check on Saevio Proelium's tomb. If something has happened, we are in even more danger than we thought! Be careful, for demons are appearing more frequently, and may be seeking to free the titan. If Saevio Proelium has escaped, there is no telling how dangerous the area could be!"
- Accept: "I'll investigate the matter."
- Reject: "I would, but I have this weird preoccupation with survival."
- When asked about quest: "Quickly! Go to Saevio Proelium's tomb and investigate!"
Text on "Saevio Proelium's Tomb"
- Beware! Here is entombed Saevio Pro- [the rest of the stone is destroyed.]
Intermediate Dialogue (Whispers Acolyte)
- "It is as I feared. Not only has the descendant of our greatest hero gone mad, one of the servants of Abaddon has escaped! This is grim news. We will need to amass a force. We have been watching you for some time, <name>, and we know of your devotion to the people of this land. The Order of Whispers will be calling on you again."
Reward Dialogue
- "I have sent word of your findings to my superiors, and they wish me to give you this. The Order of Whispers will speak with you again."
Simply enter Jahai Bluffs from the Command Post at Sunspear Sanctuary. The quest objective is immediately north. Click on the tomb, then redeem your reward at the Chantry of Secrets.