GuildWars Wiki

Mosreh the Exile[]

Location: Druid's Overlook
Collecting: 5 Ebon Spider Legs

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Gauntlets 71 Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Gloves 61 Armor +30 (vs. elemental attacks) 100 Gold
Monk Monk Handwraps 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Gloves 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Gloves 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Gloves 51 Energy +5 100 Gold


Aaron Fletcher[]

Location: Sage Lands, east of Druid's Overlook
Collecting: 5 Ancient Eyes

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Executioner's Helm 71 Axe Mastery +1
Armor+20 (vs. physical attacks)
100 Gold
Ranger Tamer's Mask 61 Beast Mastery +1
Armor+30 (vs. elemental attacks)
100 Gold
Monk Prophet's Scalp Design 51 Divine Favor +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Ragged Scar Pattern 51 Blood Magic +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Imposing Mask 51 Domination Magic +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Storm's Eye 51 Air Magic +1 100 Gold


Elwynn Kirby[]

Location: Sage Lands, north of Druid's Overlook
Collecting: 5 Tangled Seeds

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Dwarven Helm 71 Hammer Mastery +1
Armor+20 (vs. physical attacks)
100 Gold
Ranger Archer's Mask 61 Marksmanship +1
Armor+30 (vs. elemental attacks)
100 Gold
Monk Servant's Scalp Design 51 Healing Prayers +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Wicked Scar Pattern 51 Curses +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Sleek Mask 51 Fast Casting +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Stone's Eye 51 Earth Magic +1 100 Gold

Hember Map


Location: Ettin's Back, south of Ventari's Refuge
Collecting: 5 Thorny Carapaces

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Hauberk 71 Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Vest 61 Energy +5
Armor +30 (vs. elemental attacks)
100 Gold
Monk Monk Raiment 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Tunic 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Attire 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Robes 51 Energy +5 100 Gold

Jaden Fletcher[]

Location: Ventari's Refuge next to Ebon the merchant
Collecting: 5 Ancient Eyes

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Boots 71 Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Boots 61 Armor +30 (vs. elemental attacks) 100 Gold
Monk Monk Sandals 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Boots 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Footwear 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Shoes 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold


Slayton Redblade[]

Location: The Falls, southwest of the entrance, next to Dark Oak
Collecting: 5 Tangled Seeds

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Brute's Helm 71 Strength +1
Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks)
100 Gold
Ranger Traveler's Mask 61 Energy +1
Wilderness Survival +1
Armor +30 (vs. elemental damage)
100 Gold
Monk Zealot's Scalp Design 51 Smiting Prayers +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Devilish Scar Pattern 51 Soul Reaping +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Animal Mask 51 Inspiration Magic +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Flame's Eye 51 Fire Magic +1 100 Gold


Lord Engelram[]

Location: Northeast corner of Ettin's Back west of Aurora Glade
Collecting: 5 Maguuma Manes

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Boots 71 Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Boots 61 Armor +30 (vs. elemental attacks) 100 Gold
Monk Monk Sandals 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Boots 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Footwear 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Shoes 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold

Horton Longsnout[]

Location: Ettin's Back, just outside of Aurora Glade
Collecting: 5 White Mantle Emblems

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Hauberk 71 Armor +20 (vs. Physical Attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Vest 61 Energy +5
Armor +30 (vs. Elemental Attacks)
100 Gold
Monk Monk Raiment 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Tunic 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Mesmer Krytan Attire 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Robes 51 Energy +5 100 Gold


Meghan the Bright[]

Location: Southwest corner of The Falls, west of Llourdes the Arcane near the Statue of Balthazar
Collecting: 5 Jungle Troll Tusks

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Leggings 71 Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Leggings 61 Energy Recovery +1
Armor +30 (vs. Elemental Attacks)
100 Gold
Monk Monk Pants 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Leggings 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Hose 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Leggings 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold


Elene the Vigilant[]

Location: Reed Bog east of the portal to the Falls
Collecting: 5 Ebon Spider Legs

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Ringmail Gauntlets 71 Armor+20 (vs. physical attacks) 100 Gold
Ranger Leather Gloves 61 Armor +30 (vs. elemental attacks) 100 Gold
Monk Monk Handwraps 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Gloves 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Gloves 51 Energy +5 100 Gold
Elementalist Elementalist's Gloves 51 Energy +5 100 Gold


Llourdes the Arcane[]

Location: The Falls in the southwestern corner surrounded by wagons
Collecting: 5 Jungle Skale Fins

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Tactician's Helm 71 Tactics +1
Armor+20 (vs. physical attacks)
100 Gold
Ranger Leather Leggings 61 Energy Recovery +1
Armor +30 (vs. elemental attacks)
100 Gold
Monk Monk Pants 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Necromancer Necromancer's Leggings 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Stylish Hose 51 Energy Recovery +1 100 Gold
Elementalist Glacier's Eye 51 Water Magic +1 100 Gold

Agrippa Stonehands

Agrippa Stonehands[]

Location: The Falls, far to the west of the entrance, by the falls
Collecting: 5 Behemoth Jaws

Profession Item Name Armor Other Modifiers Value
Warrior Duelist's Helm 71 Swordsmanship +1
Armor +20 (vs. physical attacks)
100 Gold
Ranger Hunter's Mask 61 Expertise +1 100 Gold
Monk Defender's Scalp Design 51 Protection Prayers + 1 100 Gold
Necromancer Vile Scar Pattern 51 Death Magic +1 100 Gold
Mesmer Costume Mask 51 Illusion Magic +1 100 Gold
Elementalist All-Seeing Eye 51 Energy Storage + 1 100 Gold