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  1. Defeat the approaching demon hordes.
  2. Destroy the Demon Underlords to release the magical bindings placed on the entrance to the spawning tunnels. X of 2 Demon Underlords remain.

Obtained from

Adept of Whispers at Stygian Veil



"[Difficulty: Master] If we are to defeat the Dreadspawn Maw, we must fight our way through her children. Some will be fully-formed demons, but many of her spawn will only be half-formed and not yet have their full strength. One thing you can be certain of...her demonic forces will be near boundless. Will you help me fight past the demonic hordes?"
Accept: "Sure. How hard can a near infinite number of demons be?"
Reject: "I...uh...just remembered.... I have a thing at that place."
When asked about quest: "We must destroy the demonic forces guarding the Stygian Veil"

Reward Dialogue

"Now that we have weakened the Dreadspawn Maw's demonic forces, we must proceed into the spawning tunnels and destroy the Stygian Lords. Speak to me again when your ready."


Brood Wars


In the first part, there are 6 sets of 3 groups of 6 monsters in the demon horde.

The groups are:

Set West Group Middle Group East Group
1 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers
2 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers 6 WarriorStygian Horrors 6 WarriorStygian Brutes
3 6 WarriorStygian Brutes 6 RangerStygian Fiends 6 DervishStygian Golems
4 6 RangerStygian Fiends 6 DervishStygian Golems 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers
5 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers 6 NecromancerStygian Hungers
6 2 NecromancerStygian Hungers
1 WarriorStygian Horror
1 DervishStygian Golem
1 RangerStygian Fiend
1 WarriorStygian Brute
2 NecromancerStygian Hungers
1 WarriorStygian Horror
1 DervishStygian Golem
1 RangerStygian Fiend
1 WarriorStygian Brute
2 NecromancerStygian Hungers
1 WarriorStygian Horror
1 DervishStygian Golem
1 RangerStygian Fiend
1 WarriorStygian Brute

This makes a grand total of: 108 enemies, all level 28.
