All items (263)
- Gack Splotchplunk
- Gaiza Deadeye
- Galigord Stonestrike
- Gallow Nooseknitter
- Gambol the Headrainer
- General Nimtak
- General Tirraj
- Gezna Shadowstalker
- Gharaz the Glutton
- Ghast Ashpyre
- Ghilaparu Stormstone
- Gigas Expii
- Gilroy the Stoic
- Ginz Hailflare
- Glacial Griffon
- Gloop
- Glutt Wallop
- Gralf Angonytip
- Graygore Boulderbeard
- Grelk Icelash
- Gren Waveslosh
- Gret Waveringmane
- Gulnar Irontoe
- Gyst Hurricane