GuildWars Wiki
Charr Salvage Kit
File:Expert Salvage Kit.jpg
Item details
Recharge Uses: 5


Charr Salvage Kits are functionally identical to Expert and Superiors.

  • Salvaging runes from armor and weapon upgrades can be salvaged by Charr Salvage kits.
  • There are only five uses per kit.

For more information on salvaging and upgrading, including the success rates of using a Charr salvage kit, see Salvage.


How To Use

Double-click the Charr Salvage Kit icon, (You will hear an unzipping sound) then click the item you wish to salvage. The item is then converted into crafting material, a weapon upgrade or a rune, whichever is applicable. If more than one is available, a selection window will appear, and there will also be the option to cancel the salvage attempt. The salvaged component will then appear in the first open slot in your inventory. If the salvage was crafting materials, they will stack with other existing materials in the inventory (up to 250 a stack). If no free spot is available, the item will not be salvaged and you will see a text message informing you of the situation.


External Links

Forums threads asking for expert salvage kits in Pre-Searing:
