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Deft Strike Deft Strike Ranged Attack. If this attack hits, target foe takes 18...28 damage. If that foe has Cracked Armor, it begins Bleeding for 18...28 seconds.
    5 Energy ½ Activation 8 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Ebon Battle Standard of Courage Ebon Battle Standard of Courage Ward Spell. You plant an Ebon Battle Standard of Courage at your current location. For 14...19 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area gain +24 armor and an additional +24 armor against Charr.
    10 Energy 1 Activation 20 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Ward Spell. You plant an Ebon Battle Standard of Honor at your current location. For 14...19 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area strike for +8...14 damage and an additional +7...9 against Charr.
    10 Energy 1 Activation 20 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom Ward Spell. You plant an Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom at your current location. For 14...19 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have a 44...57% chance to halve skill recharge time of spells they cast.
    10 Energy 1 Activation 20 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Ebon Escape Ebon Escape Spell. Shadow Step to target other ally. You and that ally are healed for 70...97 Health.
    5 Energy ¼ Activation 10 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support Spell. Summon a level 14...19 Ebon Vanguard Assassin that has Iron Palm, Fox Fangs, and Nine Tail Strike. This summoned Assassin Shadow Steps to target foe. If target foe is a Charr, the Assassin lives for 24...29 seconds. If the target foe is not a Charr, the Assassin lives for 12...14 seconds.
    10 Energy 1 Activation 30 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Ebon Vanguard Sniper Support Ebon Vanguard Sniper Support Spell. Target foe is struck for 54...83 piercing damage and begins Bleeding for 5...21 seconds. This attack[sic] has a 10% chance of doing an additional 540...828 piercing damage. If this attack hits a Charr it has a 25% chance of doing an additional 540...828 piercing damage.
    10 Energy 1 Activation 15 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Signet of Infection Signet of Infection Signet. If target foe is Bleeding, that foe is Diseased for 13...19 seconds.
        1 Activation 10 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Sneak Attack Sneak Attack Melee Attack. If this attack hits, target foe is Blinded for 5...7 seconds. This attack counts as a lead attack.
    5 Energy     5 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Tryptophan Signet Tryptophan Signet Signet. For 14...19 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes move and attack 23...37% slower.
        1 Activation 15 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Weakness Trap Weakness Trap Trap. When Weakness Trap is triggered, all nearby foes are Weakened for 10...18 seconds and take 24...45 lightning damage. All Charr are knocked down. Weakness Trap ends after 90 seconds. While activating this skill, you are easily interrupted.
    10 Energy 2 Activation 30 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest
Winds Winds Ebon Vanguard Ritual. Create a level 4...9 spirit. All foes within its range have a 15% chance to miss with ranged attacks. This spirit dies after 54...83 seconds.
    5 Energy 5 Activation 30 Recharge
Eye of the North PvE
Can be obtained through a quest