Cliffs of Dohjok
▢ (Q) Crippling Anthem
▢ (Q) Vow of Strength
Issnur Isles
Consulate Docks (M)
▢ Cautery Signet
▢ Pious Renewal
Marga Coast
▢ Avatar of Melandru ▢ Grenth's Grasp
Secure the Refuge
▢ (Q) Cruel Spear
Arkjok Ward
▢ Cruel Spear
▢ Avatar of Grenth
Barbarous Shore
▢ Crippling Anthem
▢ Vow of Strength
Dejarin Estate
▢ Cautery Signet
▢ Avatar of Dwayna
The Floodplain of M.
▢ (Q) Grenth's Grasp
Jahai Bluffs
▢ Defensive Anthem
▢ Avatar of Balthazar
Kodonur Crossroads (M)
▢ Cautery Signet
▢ Pious Renewal
Pogahn Passage (M)
▢ Cautery Signet
Rilohn Refuge (M)
Moddok Crevice (M)
▢ Cruel Spear
Bahdok Caverns
▢ Focused Anger
▢ Zealous Vow
Sunward Marches
▢ Reaper's Sweep ▢ Avatar of Lyssa
Turai's Procession
Nundu Bay (M)
▢ Anthem of Guidance
▢ Arcane Zeal
Yatendi Canyons
▢ Pious Renewal
Vehtendi Valley
Forum Highlands
▢ (Q) "Incoming!"
Holdings of Chokhin
The Mirror of Lyss
▢ (Q) Anthem of Guidan.
▢ Ebon Dust Aura
Resplendent Makuun
▢ Song of Purification
Wilderness of Bahdza
▢ "Incoming!"
Dasha Vestibule (M)
▢ Angelic Bond
▢ Zealous Vow
Dzagonur Bastion (M)
▢ Anthem of Guidance
Garden of Seborhin
▢ Song of Restoration
Vehjin Mines
▢ Song of Purification
▢ Wounding Strike
Hidden City of Ahdas.
▢ Angelic Bond
▢ Zealous Vow ▢ (Q) Vow of Silence
The Desolation
Sulfurous Wastes
▢ Vow of Silence
Gate of Desolation (M)
▢ Soldier's Fury
▢ Vow of Silence
Joko's Domain
▢ Soldier's Fury
Shattered Ravines
The Alkali Pan
▢ "It's just a flesh w."
The Ruptured Heart
▢ "The Power Is Yours!"
Crystal Overlook
Poisoned Outcrops
▢ (Q) Anthem of Guid.
Realm of Torment
Nightfallen Jahai
▢ Anthem of Fury
▢ (Q) Arcane Zeal ▢ (Q) Onslaught
Gate of Pain (M)
Domain of Pain
▢ Arcane Zeal
Domain of Fear
▢ Stunning Strike
Domain of Secrets
Gate of Madness (M)
Depths of Madness