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  1. Give the experimental elixir to Fadden Hathorn in Sardelac Sanitarium.
  2. See Vassar for your reward.

Obtained from

Erudine in Serenity Temple


Profession: Mesmer
Prophecies Character
Unnatural Creatures


  • 500 XP
  • Skills
Mesmer Shatter Hex


"My elixir experiment has progressed rapidly beyond expectations, and I believe it is ready for a field test. In Sardelac Sanitarium there is a poor man named Fadden Hathorn, who was a bit addled by the events of the Searing. He is suffering from a condition that causes him to see giant sentient devourer eggs attacking him. It's quite fascinating, actually. I believe my elixir can help him regain his sanity, if not cure him outright.
Would you be so kind as to give him my elixir and then report your findings to my colleague, Vassar?"
Accept: "I will give him your elixir."
Reject: "I have more serious matters to attend to."

Intermediate Dialogue 1

Fadden Hathorn: "The Eggs! They're coming for me... please make them go away!"
Fadden Hathorn: "You see them, don't you?"

Intermediate Dialogue 2 (Fadden Hathorn)

"Drink this? If you promise it'll make them go away, then I will...
Who... How did I get here? Where am I? This looks like Ashford Abbey... but what in the name of Dwayna has happened? I feel as if I've awakened from a long nightmare."

Reward Dialogue

"So, Erudine's elixir worked? This is wonderful news. We can begin helping some of the poor souls who have been guests here since the Searing. I am continually amazed by your resourcefulness, <name>."


After accepting the quest, simply map travel to Sardelac Sanitarium and speak to Fadden Hathorn to give him the elixir. Then speak to Vassar to claim your reward.
