GuildWars Wiki
Grabthar's Hammer
Grabthar's Hammer
Unique weapon details
Linked attribute(s): Hammer Mastery
Damage type(s): Earth
Dropped by: Grabthar the Overbearing
Skin: Twin Hammer (dyed black)

Grabthar's Hammer is a Unique Item dropped by Grabthar the Overbearing in the Forum Highlands.

Weapon stats[]


Collector / Weaponsmith counterpart[]

This weapon's stats can be fully duplicated with:

Combined with:

See this page for collector counterparts.


  • The name is taken from the catchphrase for the Galaxy Quest character Dr. Lazarus of Tev'Meck: "By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvang, you shall be avenged!"