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Every week, Nicholas the Traveler requests a different item in exchange for Gifts of the Traveler. These items of the week end up being very valuable for a short period, since the gifts can usually be sold for 4 Platinum–5 Platinum (and opening the gifts yields valuable items). Veteran players usually have no trouble farming the item using advanced (although standard) builds and they have access to the ideal farming locations. This guide, however, is designed to help the relatively new player, who has fewer skills and might need to unlock the farming area.

Solo farming builds

These are the most common solo farming builds referenced in the guides below. The links go to the build articles on PvX Wiki.

Week starting 2010-05-24: Roaring Ether Claws


Nicholas the Traveler location 20100524

Nick's location this week

Farming locations


Groups of elementals in the Mirror of Lyss.

  • Suggested Farm #1: Follow the basic directions for Lightbringer point farming in The Mirror of Lyss, except that you can do it in normal mode and there's no need to cross the area to kill the boss.
  • Suggested Farm #2: From Tihark Orchard, head southwest through Forum Highlands and go into the second gorge on the left. At the bottom of the root bridge, 3 groups will converge; these groups will be either 3 Roaring Ethers or 2 Ethers and 1 Sapphire Djinn. The boss group with Churahm, Spirit Warrior will have another 3 Ethers, and the 3 groups of djinn will sometimes contain an Ether. Once you're done with these groups, go to the south and then, after the harpy group, to the west, and you should meet three groups of roaring ethers with the boss Korshek the Immolated and random jinns

Threats & recommended skills

  • Tactics: Roaring Ethers can only resurrect each other, not the Djinn, so it is best to kill the Djinn first.
  • Recommended skills: Frozen Soil to counter the rez sigs, interrupts, hex removal

Solo farming

Pre cast WoP and SoD, DP+SF before engaging, make sure to make a nice ball, cast Glyph, MoR, FS or BoC, wait a few seconds and cast last AoE. If lucky all should be dead by now, but most of the times 1 Roaring Ether survives and will res. The ressed Ether won't res more most of the times. I used this build to kill mobs starting from Dzagonur Bastion.
  • Suggested Solo #2: A variant of A/N Perma Solo does well in the Mirror of Lyss. The blessing doesn't help the farm. Target the djinn first. Kill the same Roaring Ether until all the res signets are used.

See also
