GuildWars Wiki

This project is geared toward the confirmation of all armor crafting materials and costs following the May 24, 2007 update which transformed all armors in Prophecies Campaign and Factions Campaign to use the insignia system.

This project should have no effect on any articles relating to armor crafted in the Nightfall Campaign at this time.

To be confirmed[]

Armor crafters[]

  • The names of the armor they craft.
  • Sol Pyrrhus is not listed on many armor pages and the QRs. He is outside of Fisherman's Haven in Stingray Strand. Please check him too.
  • Please check ALL crafters, not just the ones listed on the armor's page.

Individual armor pages[]

  • The location of the crafters.
  • The cost of the armor crafted by individual crafters.
  • The materials used in the armor for each crafter.
  • The armor level of the armor as offered by each crafter.
  • Cost of armor from each crafter.

Headgear pages[]

  • Availability at new crafters. (crafters that didn't previously offer that headgear).
  • Cost from each crafter.
  • Armor level for different types of headgear at each crafter.
  • Materials used.
  • Names for the headgear. (some now use the same name for all attributes they give the bonus to and others use different names for each).
  • Headgear in prophecies is not part of any particular armor art set (for most professions). Therefore it should not be listed on the main armor pages and only in the headgear and QR pages. For some professions, the same applies to Factions armor.

Other pages that need updating[]

To do list[]

  1. Construct a todo list. This list will serve as master task list. Individual items on the list will likely need their own plan.
  2. Flag all armor, headgear, and armor crafter articles with the update tag. {{update|[[game updates/20070524|Thursday, May 24, 2007]]}}
    1. Prophecies armor crafters
    2. Factions armor crafters
    3. Assassin headgear & Assassin armor & all Assassin armor pages
    4. Elementalist headgear & Elementalist armor & all Elementalist armor pages
    5. Mesmer headgear & Mesmer armor & all Mesmer armor pages
    6. Necromancer headgear & Necromancer armor & all Necromancer armor pages
    7. Monk headgear & Monk armor & all Monk armor pages
    8. Ranger headgear & Ranger armor & all Ranger armor pages
    9. Ritualist headgear & Ritualist armor & all Ritualist armor pages
    10. Warrior headgear & Warrior armor & all Warrior armor pages
  3. Confirm the NAMES of armor crafted by all crafters. Check that the links all go to the correct pages. ("Tyrian" armor art rather than "Profession armor" pages, etc)
    1. All crafters Elementalist non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    2. All crafters Monk non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    3. All crafters Mesmer non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    4. All crafters Necromancer non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    5. All crafters Ranger non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    6. All crafters Warrior non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    7. All crafters Assassin non-elite factions, elite factions
    8. All crafters Ritualist non-elite factions, elite factions
  4. Confirm the cost (gold and materials) AND ARMOR LEVEL of armor crafted by all crafters. (Elementalist headgear at some armor crafters is NOT the same level as the rest of the headgear crafted by that crafter. This is probably a bug as it costs the same amount in materials and gold. Other anomalies may exist.)
    1. All crafters Elementalist non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    2. All crafters Monk non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    3. All crafters Mesmer non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    4. All crafters Necromancer non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    5. All crafters Ranger non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    6. All crafters Warrior non-elite prophecies, elite prophecies, non-elite factions, elite factions
    7. All crafters Assassin non-elite factions, elite factions
    8. All crafters Ritualist non-elite factions, elite factions
  5. Remove all information on the stats of armor. Armor is now only art and all armor for a profession has the same stats. (Except different ALs).
  6. Confirm the crafting materials used in Obsidian armor. Please format them similar to the Ranger set (Ranger armor crafting quick reference/Obsidian).
    1. Assassin Obsidian armor
    2. Mesmer Obsidian armor
    3. Necromancer Obsidian armor
    4. Ritualist Obsidian armor
    5. Warrior Obsidian armor
  7. Confirm the names and stats of all collector armor.
  8. Make armor crafting tables on individual armor pages more effectively use the armor crafting quick references?

Correct Pages[]

Please add new pages to this list as you complete them. Be sure the pages are correctly formatted. Please keep this list in alphebetical order.
