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  1. Find Rangil Ironbow in Traveler's Vale

Obtained from

Grand Mason Stonecleaver in Yak's Bend


Prophecies character


250 XP

Upon accepting the Quests you are given two skills:

Ranger: Debilitating Shot
Necromancer: Suffering
Warrior: Protector's Strike
Mesmer: Mantra of Frost
Elementalist: Gale
Monk: Remove Hex


"These thrice-damned Stone Summit raiders are making things tough for both our people. If ye had an inclination to help the Dwarves out with something... Listen, I recently sent a scout into Stone Summit territory, and I'm sure he could use the help of an extra hammer. If ye'd be willing to help him out, I'd make it worth yer time and give ye something in the way of some skills to aid ye on yer journey. Rangil Ironbow be the name of me scout, and ye can find him up north towards Iron Horse mine."


Minaar's Trouble


This quest is pretty simple. Just head northwest from Yak's Bend to the Iron Horse Mine and talk to Rangil Ironbow who is stationed next to the Iron Horse Mine entrance. Once you have talked to him he'll give you Minaar's Trouble.

Tip: You get the skills immediately upon accepting the quest, not completing it. This also means you might want to abandon this quest in order to more easily pick up skills for other classes (if you change your secondary).
