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Ice Imp Polymock Piece
Ice Imp Polymock Piece
Item details


Polymock build[]

Health: 3000 Energy: 30
Polymock Ice Spear

Polymock Ice Spear

Polymock Icy Prison

Polymock Icy Prison

Polymock Mind Freeze

Polymock Mind Freeze

Polymock Power Drain

Polymock Power Drain

Polymock Block

Polymock Block

Polymock Glyph of Concentration

Polymock Glyph of Concentration

Polymock Ether Signet

Polymock Ether Signet

Polymock Glyph of Power

Polymock Glyph of Power



Polymock Pieces
Aloe SeedEarth ElementalFire ElementalFire ImpGakiGargoyleIce ElementalIce ImpKappaMantis DreamweaverMergoyleMirage IbogaMursaat ElementalistNaga ShamanRuby DjinnSkaleStone RainWind Rider

Only used by NPC opponents: Bone DragonCharr FlamecallerCharr ShamanDolyak RiderDredgeDwarven ArcanistSkeletal MageSmoke WraithTitan
