GuildWars Wiki


Miscellaneous Items that can be obtained.

Examples of Items:


These are used to make your outfits, weapons, and other consumables - Items that have effects on you or party. There are two types of Materials. Common and Rare. Materials are part of what helps you with kung fu.

Note: If you would like more information on materials, please visit the actual documentation site.

Common Materials[]

Common are those that you would find dropped often or crafted out of a lot of items, such as weapons or armor. Common crafting materials can also be found at the common trader. This person sells common crafting items and buys common crafting items. A specification that is handled by this individual as that is his kung fu.

Note: If you would like more information on common materials or the common material trader, please visit the actual documentation site.

Rare Materials[]

Rare are those that are dropped, but may rarely be crafted out of any item at all. These Rare Materials may be found at this Rare Material Trader. This person knows and has special ways of retrieving such items. You can sell your rare items to this trader for a lesser price than what they may sell the items for. Some items can be obtained by quests or dungeons.

Note: If you would like more information on rare materials or the rare material trader, please visit the actual documentation site.


An artisan crafts rare crafting materials from common materials for a fee. With the right ingredients and a bit of gold, the crafter will create a single unit of the requested material. Artisans will also purchase items from the adventurer loaded down with goods.

Note: If you would like more information on Artisian, please visit the actual documentation site.

  • Consumables – Grant temporary effects to help increase your kung fu.
  • Dye your armor and weapons to look cool, but some weapons cannot be dyed.
  • Miniatures – Birthday presents and special game awards. This is for the "cuteness" in you.
  • Salvage items and Trophies – Loot from your slain foes. "Much Kung Fu, you have."
  • Books – Track your kung fu progress throughout the game.