GuildWars Wiki
GuildWars Wiki

This article lists all core locations (available in all campaigns) by the following tree structure.


CityIcon sml Town
ArenaIcon sml Arena
GuildHallIcon sml Guild Hall
OutpostIcon sml Outpost
MissionIcon sml Mission
ChallengeIcon sml Challenge
POI Point of Interest

A list of all locations in the game, sorted by type can be found under: Locations (by Type)

The Battle Isles[]

GuildHallIcon smlGuild Hall
CityIcon smlGreat Temple of Balthazar
OutpostIcon smlZaishen Menagerie
ChallengeIcon smlZaishen Challenge
ChallengeIcon smlZaishen Elite
ArenaIcon smlRandom Arenas
ArenaIcon smlCodex Arena
ArenaIcon smlHeroes' Ascent (→ Hall of Heroes)

Realms of the Gods[]
