GuildWars Wiki
Note: This page is about a generic NPC in the Wilderness of Bahdza. For information regarding Mahk the toy-maker in Kamadan, see Mahk
Mahk Jenshan
Mahk Jenshan
Species: Human
Level(s): 20


Mahk Jenshan can be found on guard duty near the Eastern exit of Dzagonur Bastion in the Wilderness of Bahdza region.



"I'm what you might call a professional amateur. Yes, I guard the tower, and yes, I keep the roads safe. But this is just my temp job. I'm really a game designer! You children."
"What do you like better...a water lantern with wax lumps floating inside, or a hat knitted in the shape of a squid? I'm leaning towards the squid-hat, personally..."


  • It is unknown whether there is some connection between this Mahk and the Mahk in Kamadan, as both share the name "Mahk" and both are toy makers. It is speculated that the Mahk in Kamadan could possibly actually be of Vabbian descent and has been recruited for the army.


  • While on guard duty Mahk says, "Want to try my new wind-up pony? You can keep it, but you'll have to come back every month to get it wound up again.... for a small fee of course. Hey, wait! Where are you going?". This appears to be a reference to the monthly charges required of players in most MMORPG games, something that Guild Wars has avoided.