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Mallyx's Inspiration
Mallyx's Inspiration
Unique item details
Linked attribute(s): Inspiration Magic
Dropped by: Special
Skin: Butterfly Mirror (dyed red)

Mallyx's Inspiration is a Unique Item which is obtained from the chest that spawns after Mallyx the Unyielding is defeated in The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx.

Weapon stats[]

Focus Item

Collector / Weaponsmith[]

This item's stats can be fully replicated with one of the following:

  1. A Jeweled Chalice from Kurmauzeh in Resplendent Makuun.
  2. An inscribable Jeweled Chalice crafted by Hadusi in Kodonur Crossroads or Tehshan in Barbarous Shore upgraded with:
    1. A Perfect (10%) "Serenity Now" Inscription.
    2. A Perfect (+30) Focus Core of Fortitude.

