GuildWars Wiki
Mara (Expert Ranger)
Mara Expert Ranger
Species: Human
Profession: Ranger
Level(s): 20


Mara is a Ranger expert for the Sunspears. She explains about pets.

Quests Involved In[]



To Rangers or those without a secondary profession:

"I herded the flamingos all out here to keep them safe from the corsairs... but now how do I get them back?"
Tell me about charming a pet.
"To charm an animal simply target an animal and use the Charm Animal skill while you have the animal selected. The animal will turn hostile and attempt to attack you, and it is important that nothing interrupt the charming process during this critical phase. Bringing along a friend to heal you or applying a self heal before attempting to charm an animal is often a good idea."
Tell me about commanding a pet.
"Your pet will attack any target you attack. The one thing you'll need to remember is that it will take a pet a few seconds to switch targets when you do, but a good Ranger can use this to her advantage."
Tell me about releasing a pet.
"At times you may want to tame a new pet. Before you can do that you'll need to give your old pet to a tamer. Simply speak to a pet tamer and that person will take care of the rest."

To those of other professions with the secondary profession already chosen:

"Catch that flamingo before it gets away!"