GuildWars Wiki
Miniature Pig
Species: Miniature
Profession: Miniature
Level(s): 1

The Miniature Pig is a miniature acquired randomly from the usage of Lunar Fortunes, and given out if the Celestial Pig is appeased, a special event item from the 2007 Canthan New Year celebration.

  • The color of this miniature pet's item lettering is gold.
  • It is an exact miniature of a Warthog.

These miniatures had a very high rate of spawning from lunar fortunes at the beginning of the event due to a coding error. They now have a much less chance of spawning from fortunes, but they are easily gained from the Celestial Pig.

  • You will receive this minipet after the appearance of the Celestial Pig during the celebrations if you are in a district that completes all five of the courses of the Celestial Pig's meal.
