GuildWars Wiki
GuildWars Wiki

A morale boost is a temporary positive boost to your health and energy by a fixed percentage. Every time you earn a morale boost, all skills and signets are instantly recharged (including Resurrection Signet), your maximum health and energy increase, and the health and energy bonuses are added to your current total; these bonuses cannot exceed +10% of your maximum health and energy. A morale boost is the opposite of a death penalty, although both are added together for a cumulative effect. The terms "morale boost" and "death penalty" are also used to describe whether this cumulative effect is positive or negative.

A 10% morale boost will provide +48 health and +2 energy to a level 20 character. A 60% death penalty will reduce a level 20 character's health by 288 and energy by 12.



Morale boosts in PvE are generally gained in 2% increments. Morale boosts in PvE are earned by:


Morale boosts in PvP come in 10% increments and can be earned through the following methods:

  • Note: Killing an opposing guild member in a guild battle will remove 2% death penalty but will not provide a boost above 0%.


  • When a player is killed, they receive a 15% death penalty. The maximum cumulative morale boost a player can have is 10%. Thus, a character maxed out on morale boosts that dies once will still be left with a 5% death penalty.
  • Entering a town or outpost
  • Various consumables


  • Morale boosts and death penalties are not removed when the character travels between explorable areas.
  • The only PvP arenas where players can gain morale boosts are Guild versus guild and Heroes' Ascent.
  • When a team wins a match in Heroes' Ascent, each player will keep any morale boost they have acquired, but will be relieved of any death penalty.