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Nifling the Chained
Nifling the Chained
Species: Undead
Profession: Monk
Level(s): 28
The Path to Revelations map
Path from Olafstead
The Path to Revelations map 2
Path from Central Transfer Chamber


Nifling the Chained is a monk boss in Varajar Fells (North of the entrance to Battledepths).


Skills used[]

Items dropped[]


  • He is in the center of a huge pile of about 30 undead and Crypt Slashers. Arguably the best way to kill Nifling is to begin with killing the Crypt Slashers. After they are dead, move on to the rest. There are a lot of bunched up casters, so AoE skills work very well. It is also possible to pull apart the big group into smaller groups.
  • He will not appear if any party members have the quest The Path to Revelations active.