GuildWars Wiki

A party is an adventuring group in Guild Wars. You can form a party by inviting others to join you or by recruiting henchmen (using invitaton as well, but they always accept). There are a few things to keep in mind with regards to parties:

  • Press 'P' to show the Party List.
  • Only the leader of the party (top name in the Party List) can invite/kick people.
  • To speak to the party only, type '#' before typing your sentence or choose the "#Team" channel in the chat window.
  • To join a party, invite any member of that party, the leader will see a join request from you and will accept it or reject it.
  • If any party member leaves an outpost or an explorable area the entire party will leave that area. So, be mindful of your comrades before running off to another zone.
  • To enter a mission, the party does not exit a town by the door, instead, the leader must press the Enter Mission button on the Party List (which only shows up on his/her list).
  • Using map travel will always detach you from your current party, unless you are the party leader, in which case you will warp the entire party to your new location (with a couple of exceptions - see the map travel article).
  • There are no means of leaving a party once it goes into an explorable area other than traveling away.
  • Etiquette: Needless to say, if a player just uses Map Travel to detach from a party during a quest, mission or arena battle then the remaining members of the party are unlikely to foster pleasant feelings towards him/her.