A major strength of this spell is its 1/4 second cast time, meaning it can be cast while the Monk is under pressure or even while dazed. This benefit comes at the cost of the healing being delayed.
A good tactic when facing Hammer wielding characters (or any other knock down character) is to have the monk cast it on themselves at all times while being pressured. If the monk is knocked down while under the effect of this enchantment, the enchantment will end normally 1/2 way through the attack chain and the foe will have much greater difficulty executing a successful spike.
Being hexed with Air of Disenchantment will actually benefit when using this spell since the healing effect applies sooner when enchantment duration is reduced.
Works well with Word of Healing, since the delayed healing often allows the extra healing to be triggered. This way the player can be healed for about 300 health within a second.
With any "Of Enchanting" modifier bonus, Patient Spirit lasts 3 seconds.