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Blood Magic-enhancing[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that specifically enhance the use of Blood Magic.

All Blood Magic-enhancing items require 9 Blood Magic, and the weapons deal Dark damage.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Vanahk's Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% HCT Blood 20% HP +30 Lieutenant Vanahk 3.Yatendi Canyons
The Darkwish Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% HP +30 HP +30 Foalcrest Darkwish 2.Mourning Veil Falls
Kaswa's Gluttony Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% HP +30 Enchant +20% Kaswa Webstrider 2.Arborstone (explorable)
Kyril's Fervor Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% HP +30 Enchant +20% Kyril Oathwarden 2.Morostav Trail
Droknar's Blood Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% HP +30 Enchant +20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue
Milthuran's Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% En +5 Blood +1 20% Cultist Milthuran 2.Rhea's Crater
Bellok's Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% En +5 Enchant +20% Taskmaster Bellok 4.Vloxen Excavations
Arachni's Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% En +5 HP +30 Arachni's Spoils 4.Arachni's Haunt
The Bloodburner Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% En +5 HP +30 Katye Bloodburner 4.Sacnoth Valley
Cruel Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Topaz Crests
5 Intricate Grawl Necklaces
1.Skyward Reach
1.Witman's Folly
Evil Eye Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Pulsating Growths
5 Rot Wallow Tusks
5 Black Pearls
5 Dragon Roots
2.Maatu Keep
2.Boreas Seabed (explorable)
2.Gyala Hatchery (explorable)
2.Vasburg Armory
Evil Eye Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 1 Eye 2.Kaineng Center
2.House zu Heltzer
Lotus Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Blood 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Dredge Incisors 2.Saint Anjeka's Shrine


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Droknar's Blood Scepter Dark HCT Blood 20% HSR Blood 20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue
Scepter of the Keeper Dark HCT Blood 20% HSR Blood 20% The Keeper 4.Cathedral of Flames
Pronged Rod Dark HCT Blood 20% HSR Blood 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 2.Vasburg Armory
2.Leviathan Pits
Gordac's Needle Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Blood 20% Gordac Fleshweaver 1.Sorrow's Furnace
Deldrimor Blood Scepter En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Blood 20% 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Wayward Wand Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Blood 20% 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path
Golden Boar Scepter Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Blood 20% 1 Book of Secrets 3.Throne of Secrets
Pronged Rod Dark En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Blood 20% 5 Plague Idols
5 Kirin Horns
2.Shenzun Tunnels
2.Silent Surf
Pronged Rod Dark En +5 (enchanted) HSR Blood 20% 5 Geodes
5 Piles of Elemental Dust
3.Resplendent Makuun
4.Norrhart Domains
Pronged Rod Dark En +5 (enchanted) HSR Blood 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 2.Wajjun Bazaar
Pronged Rod Dark En +7 (hexed) HSR Blood 20% 5 Amphibian Tongues 4.Magus Stones
Wioli's Artifact Dark En +15; En regen -1 HSR Blood 20% Wioli the Infectious 3.Crystal Overlook
Pronged Rod Dark En +15; En regen -1 HSR Blood 20% 5 Sentient Vines 4.Vlox's Falls
Pronged Rod Dark En +15; En regen -1 HSR Blood 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 2.Maatu Keep
Pronged Rod Dark Dmg +15% (HP>50%) HSR Blood 20% 5 Dusty Insect Carapaces 3.The Shattered Ravines
Pronged Rod Dark Dmg +15% (HP>50%) HSR Blood 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
Pronged Rod Dark Dmg +15% (enchanted) HSR Blood 20% 5 Heket Tongues 3.Dejarin Estate
Pronged Rod Dark Dmg +15% (enchanted) HSR Blood 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
Pronged Rod1 Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HCT Blood 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 2.Bukdek Byway
Destroyer Blood Scepter Dark (inscription slot) HSR Blood 20% 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Onyx,
10 Diamond
4.Slavers' Exile

1 This item has double inscriptions: the only available wand wrappings have a "Halves skill recharge" effect.



Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Droknar's Blood Focus HSR Blood 20% HCT Blood 20% 1 Droknar's Key Epilogue
Idol HSR Blood 20% HCT Blood 20% 5 Feathered Avicara Scalps 1.Talus Chute
Blood Knife HSR Blood 20% HCT Blood 20% 5 Bone Charms 2.The Aurios Mines (location)
Idol HSR Blood 20% HCT Blood 20% 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Vasburg Armory
2.Leviathan Pits
Deldrimor Blood Focus HSR Blood 20% HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Straw Effigy HSR Blood 20% HP +30 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path
Gordac's Hook Blood2 Blood +1 20% HSR Blood 20% Gordac Fleshweaver 1.Sorrow's Furnace
Chan's Greed Blood +1 20% HP +30 Chan the Dragon's Blood 2.The Undercity
Blood Knife Blood +1 20% HP +30 5 Putrid Cysts
5 Black Pearls
2.The Marketplace
2.Rhea's Crater
Idol Blood +1 20% HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Bone, 30 Scale 1.Droknar's Forge
Idol Blood +1 20% HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Bukdek Byway
Sourbeak's Taint Blood +1 20% HP +60 (hexed) Sourbeak Rotshell 2.Silent Surf

2This item has double inscriptions: neither "<Attribute> +1 20%" nor "HSR <Attribute> 20%" is available as a focus core.


Blood Magic-requiring[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that require 9 Blood Magic, but do not specifically enhance the use of any attributes.

All weapons listed here deal Dark damage.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Kole's Torment Dark HSR 20% HCT 10% En +5 HP +30 The Darkness 1.Ruins of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings
Staff of the Forgotten Dark HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) En +5 HP +30 1 Book of Secrets Throne of Secrets
Deldrimor Blood Staff HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) HP +30 HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Destroyer Blood Staff Dark HSR (20%) En +5 (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron,
10 Diamonds, 10 Onyx
4.Slavers' Exile
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Behemoth Hides
5 Weaver Legs
3.Vehjin Mines
4.Riven Earth
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Cloth 3.Crystal Overlook
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% En +7 (HP<50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Fleshreaver Morsels 4.Rragar's Menagerie
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Beetle Eggs 4.Bogroot Growths
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Cloth 3.Throne of Secrets
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Mummy Wrappings 3.Joko's Domain
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Cloth 3.Command Post
3.Wilderness of Bahdza
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Insect Carapaces 3.Marga Coast
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Cloth 3.Dzagonur Bastion
Fleshweaver Dark HSR 20% Reduce Deep Wound HP +30 HP +30 Gordac Fleshweaver 1.Sorrow's Furnace
Deldrimor Blood Staff HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Spinal Staff Dark HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Cloth 3.Camp Hojanu
3.Turai's Procession
3.Vehtendi Valley
Spinal Staff Dark HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 20 Cloth 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Blood Staff Dark HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Blood Staff Dark HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Raven Blood Staff Dark HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Feather, 20 Wood 4.Central Transfer Chamber
Charrslayer Blood Staff Dark HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bones, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Deldrimor Blood Scepter (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Pronged Rod Dark - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Wood 3.Camp Hojanu
3.Turai's Procession
3.Vehtendi Valley
Pronged Rod Dark - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Bone 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Blood Scepter Dark - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Blood Scepter Dark - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Charrslayer Blood Scepter Dark - (inscription slot) - Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bones, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Idol HSR 10% HP +30 2 Bull Trainer Giant Jawbones 3.Wilderness of Bahdza
The Shadestone HCT 10% HP +30 Morgriff Shadestone 1.Grenth's Footprint
Shelboh's Gaze En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 Shelboh the Ravenous 3.Jahai Bluffs
Idol En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5 Encrusted Lodestones 1.Vulture Drifts
Blood Knife En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5 Putrid Cysts
5 Blood Drinker Pelts
2.Shenzun Tunnels
2.Altrumm Ruins (location)
Idol En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Maatu Keep
Blood Knife AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Mantis Pincers 2.Brauer Academy
Idol AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Wajjun Bazaar
Idol Physical damage -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Heket Tongues 3.Jahai Bluffs
Idol Physical damage -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
Idol Physical damage -5 20% HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
Idol (inscription slot) HP +30 5 Quetzal Crests 4.Alcazia Tangle
Destroyer Blood Focus - - (inscription slot) - HP +30 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Onyx, 10 Diamond 4.Slavers' Exile
Idol (inscription slot) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Mountain Roots 4.Ice Cliff Chasms
Idol (inscription slot) HP +60 (hexed) 5 Fungal Roots 4.Bloodstone Caves
Deldrimor Blood Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Idol (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
Idol (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 20 Granite 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Blood Focus Dark - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Blood Focus Dark - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Charrslayer Blood Focus (inscription slot) AR +10 (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bones, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North