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Inspiration Magic-enhancing[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that specifically enhance the use of Inspiration Magic.

All weapons listed here deal Chaos damage.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Handsmasher Chaos HSR 20% HCT Insp 20% En +5 HP +30 Garbok Handsmasher 1.Sorrow's Furnace 9 Dom
Siska's Staff Chaos HSR 20% HCT Insp 20% En +5 HP +30 Siska Scalewand 2.Archipelagos 9 Illu
Droknar's Inspiration Staff Chaos HSR 20% HCT Insp 20% HP +30 Enchant +20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Insp
Earthbound Staff Chaos HSR 20% HCT Insp 20% HP +30 HP +30 Nulfastu Earthbound 4.Drakkar Lake 9 Insp
Gemstone Staff Chaos HSR 20% HCT Insp 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Warden Horns 2.Altrumm Ruins 9 Dom
Hypnotic Staff Chaos HSR 20% HCT Insp 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Moon Shells 2.Zos Shivros Channel 9 Illu


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Garbok's Cane Chaos HCT Insp 20% HSR Insp 20% Garbok Handsmasher 1.Sorrow's Furnace 9 Dom
Bogroot Rod Chaos HCT Insp 20% HSR Insp 20% Bogroot Chest 4.Bogroot Growths 9 Insp
Droknar's Inspiration Scepter Chaos HCT Insp 20% HSR Insp 20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Insp
Deldrimor Inspiration Scepter En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge 9 Insp
Wayward Wand Chaos En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% (no longer available) N/A 9 Dom
Wayward Wand Chaos En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% (no longer available) N/A 9 Illu
Wayward Wand Chaos En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path 9 Insp
Golden Boar Scepter Chaos En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% 1 Book of Secrets 3.Throne of Secrets 9 Insp
Wieshur's Inspiration Chaos En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% Wieshur the Inspiring 3.Domain of Secrets 9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos En +5 (enchanted) HSR Insp 20% 5 Skree Wings
5 Modniir Manes
3.Resplendent Makuun
4.Drakkar Lake
9 Insp
Gazing Scepter Chaos En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Insp 20% 5 Dredge Incisors
5 Azure Crests
2.Saint Anjeka's Shrine
2.Seafarer's Rest
9 Dom
Hypnotic Scepter Chaos En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Insp 20% 5 Black Pearls 2.Gyala Hatchery (explorable) 9 Illu
Crystal Wand Chaos En +7 (hexed) HSR Insp 20% 5 Jotun Pelts
5 Piles of Elemental Dust
4.Darkrime Delves
4.Catacombs of Kathandrax
9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos En +15; En regen -1 HSR Insp 20% 5 Krait Skins 4.Rata Sum 9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos Dmg +15% (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% 5 Ruby Djinn Essences 3.The Alkali Pan 9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos Dmg +15% (HP>50%) HSR Insp 20% 5 Platinum, 40 Dust, 6 Iron 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos Dmg +15% (enchanted) HSR Insp 20% 5 Platinum, 40 Dust, 6 Iron 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos Dmg +15% (enchanted) HSR Insp 20% 5 Sentient Lodestones 3.Kodonur Crossroads 9 Insp
Destroyer Inspiration Scepter Chaos (inscription slot) HSR Insp 20% 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Onyx, 10 Diamond 4.Slavers' Exile 9 Illu


All Inspiration Magic-enhancing focus items have a requirement of 9 Inspiration Magic

Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Jeweled Chalice HSR Insp 20% HCT Insp 20% 5 Dessicated Hydra Claws
5 Alpine Seeds
1.Skyward Reach
1.Mineral Springs
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice HSR Insp 20% HCT Insp 20% 5 Soul Stones
4 Vampiric Fangs
2.Zin Ku Corridor
2.House zu Heltzer
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice HSR Insp 20% HCT Insp 20% 5 Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 2.Vasburg Armory
2.Leviathan Pits
9 Insp
Garbok's Chalice HSR Insp 20% Insp +1 20% Garbok Handsmasher 1.Sorrow's Furnace 9 Insp
Deldrimor Inspiration Focus HSR Insp 20% HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Straw Effigy HSR Insp 20% HP +30 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice Insp +1 20% HP +30 5 Jade Bracelets
2 Keen Oni Claws
2.Shenzun Tunnels
2.House zu Heltzer
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice Insp +1 20% HP +30 5 Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 2.Bukdek Byway 9 Insp
Neoli's Contagion Insp +1 20% HP +30 Neoli the Contagious 3.Marga Coast 9 Insp
Rual's Focus Insp +1 20% HP +45 (while in a stance) Rual, Stealer of Hope 3.The Ruptured Heart 9 Insp

Inspiration Magic-requiring[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that require 9 Inspiration Magic, but do not specifically enhance the use of any attributes. Items that require Inspiration Magic but enhance a different attribute will be listed under that attribute.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Inspired Ghostly Staff Chaos HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) En +5 Enchant +20% Guardian of Komalie 3.The Foundry of Failed Creations 9 Insp
Staff of the Forgotten Chaos HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) En +5 HP +30 1 Book of Secrets 3.Throne of Secrets 9 Insp
Inspired Shadow Staff Chaos HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) HP +30 HP +30 The Greater Darkness 3.Ravenheart Gloom 9 Insp
Deldrimor Inspiration Staff HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) HP +30 HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Destroyer Inspiration Staff Chaos HSR (20%) En +5 (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Diamonds, 10 Onyx 4.Slavers' Exile 9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Ruby Djinn Essences
5 Saurian Bones
3.Forum Highlands
4.Sparkfly Swamp
9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Iron 3.Crystal Overlook 9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% En +7 (HP<50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Amphibian Tongues 4.Bogroot Growths 9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Undead Bones 4.Shards of Orr 9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Inscribed Shards 3.Crystal Overlook 9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Iron 3.Command Post
3.Wilderness of Bahdza
9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Immolated Djinn Essences 3.Turai's Procession 9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Iron 3.Dzagonur Bastion 9 Insp
Deldrimor Inspiration Staff HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Iron 3.Camp Hojanu
3.Turai's Procession
3.Vehtendi Valley
9 Insp
Scrying Glass Staff Chaos HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 20 Iron 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
9 Insp
Norn Inspiration Staff Chaos HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold 9 Insp
Asuran Inspiration Staff Chaos HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum 9 Insp
Raven Inspiration Staff Chaos HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Feather, 20 Wood 4.Central Transfer Chamber 9 Insp
Charrslayer Inspiration Staff Chaos HSR (20%) (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bones, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North 9 Insp


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Stygian Wand Chaos - HCT 10% - HSR 10% Smothering Tendrils 3.Stygian Veil 9 Insp
Mallyx's Whim Dark - En +5 (HP>50%) - HSR 10% Mallyx the Unyielding 3.The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx 9 Insp
Deldrimor Inspiration Scepter (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Crystal Wand Chaos - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Dust, 6 Iron 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
9 Insp
Crystal Wand Chaos - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 20 Dust 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
9 Insp
Norn Inspiration Scepter Chaos - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold 9 Insp
Asuran Inspiration Scepter Chaos - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum 9 Insp
Charrslayer Inspiration Scepter Chaos - (inscription slot) - Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bones, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North 9 Insp


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Vokur's Chakram HSR 10% HCT 10% Vokur Grimshackles 1.Sorrow's Furnace 9 Insp
Makdeh's Focus HSR 10% HP +30 Makdeh the Aggravating 3.Yatendi Canyons 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice HSR 10% HP +30 5 Geodes 3.Resplendent Makuun 9 Insp
Mallyx's Inspiration HSR 10% HP +30 Mallyx the Unyielding 3.The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx 9 Insp
Gwen's Flute HSR 10% HP +30 quest reward: Then and Now, Here and There 4.Hall of Monuments 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 50 Granite, 150 Dust 1.Droknar's Forge
2.Wajjun Bazaar
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5 Iridescent Griffon Wings
5 Naga Skins
1.Vulture Drifts
2.Breaker Hollow
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5Platinum, 50 Granite, 150 Dust 2.Maatu Keep 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice Physical damage -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Insect Carapaces 3.Jahai Bluffs 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice Physical damage -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 50 Granite, 150 Dust 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice Physical damage -5 (20%) HP +30 5 Sapphire Djinn Essences 3.Poisoned Outcrops 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice Physical damage -5 (20%) HP +30 5Platinum, 50 Granite, 150 Dust 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
9 Insp
The Purifier Reduce Dazed HP +60 (hexed) Jin, the Purifier 2.Bukdek Byway 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice (inscription slot) - HP +30 5 Frozen Wurm Husks 4.Jaga Moraine 9 Insp
Destroyer Inspiration Focus - - (inscription slot) - HP +30 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Onyx, 10 Diamond 4.Slavers' Exile 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice (inscription slot) - HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Dryder Webs 4.Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice (inscription slot) - HP +60 (hexed) 5 Piles of Elemental Dust 4.Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 9 Insp
Deldrimor Inspiration Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Jeweled Chalice (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 50 Granite, 150 Dust 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
9 Insp
Jeweled Chalice (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Dust 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
9 Insp
Norn Inspiration Focus Chaos - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold 9 Insp
Asuran Inspiration Focus Chaos - (inscription slot) - (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum 9 Insp
Charrslayer Inspiration Focus (inscription slot) AR +10 (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bones, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North 9 Insp