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Restoration Magic-enhancing[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that specifically enhance the use of Restoration Magic.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Spiritgarden's Repose Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% En +5 HP +30 Flower Spiritgarden 2.The Eternal Grove (explorable) 9 Spawn
Oola's Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% En +5 HP +30 Oola's Chest 4.Oola's Lab 9 Rest
Droknar's Restoration Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% HP +30 Enchant +20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Rest
Bogroot Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% HP +30 HP +30 Bogroot Chest 4.Bogroot Growths 9 Rest
Bazzr's Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% HP +30 HP +30 Bazzr Dustwing 2.Mourning Veil Falls 9 Spawn
Orosen's Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% AR +5 AR +5 Orosen, Tranquil Acolyte 2.Xaquang Skyway 9 Spawn
Channeling Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 4 Vampiric Fangs 2.House zu Heltzer 9 Chan
Communing Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Bone Charms 2.The Aurios Mines (location) 9 Comm
Lotus Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Dragon Roots 2.Vasburg Armory 9 Chan
Lotus Staff Dark HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Stone Horns 2.Morostav Trail 9 Comm
Lotus Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Stone Horns 2.Vasburg Armory 9 Spawn
Spawning Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Pulsating Growths 2.Maatu Keep 9 Spawn
Restoration Staff Lightning HSR 20% HCT Rest 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Fiber 2.Kaineng Center
2.House zu Heltzer
9 Spawn


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Brightclaw Lightning HCT Rest 20% HSR Rest 20% Chkkr Brightclaw 2.Melandru's Hope 9 Spawn
Droknar's Restoration Scepter Dark HCT Rest 20% HSR Rest 20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Rest
Deldrimor Restoration Scepter Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Rest 20% 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge 9 Rest
Wayward Wand Lightning En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Rest 20% 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path 9 Spawn
Golden Boar Scepter Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Rest 20% 1 Book of Secrets 3.Throne of Secrets 9 Rest
Oola's Wand Dark En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Rest 20% Oola's Chest 4.Oola's Lab 9 Rest
Ritualist Cane Lightning En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Rest 20% 2 Keen Oni Claws 2.House zu Heltzer 9 Chan
Ritualist Scepter Lightning En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Rest 20% 5 Moon Shells 2.Zos Shivros Channel (location) 9 Spawn
Ritualist Scepter Dark En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Rest 20% 2 Keen Oni Talons 2.Cavalon 9 Comm
Restoration Focus Dark En +5 (enchanted) HSR Rest 20% 5 Behemoth Hides
5 Patches of Simian Fur
4.Vlox's Falls 9 Rest
Restoration Focus Dark En +7 (hexed) HSR Rest 20% 5 Stone Summit Emblems 4.Drakkar Lake 9 Rest
Restoration Focus Dark En +15; En regen -1 HSR Rest 20% 5 Berserker Horns 4.Varajar Fells 9 Rest
Restoration Focus Dark Dmg +15% (HP>50%) HSR Rest 20% 5 Sapphire Djinn Essences 3.Poisoned Outcrops 9 Rest
Restoration Focus Dark Dmg +15% (HP>50%) HSR Rest 20% 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
9 Rest
Restoration Focus Dark Dmg +15% (enchanted) HSR Rest 20% 5 Sentient Lodestones 3.Kodonur Crossroads 9 Rest
Restoration Focus Dark Dmg +15% (enchanted) HSR Rest 20% 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
9 Rest
Destroyer Restoration Scepter Dark] (inscription slot) HSR Rest 20% 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Diamond, 10 Onyx 4.Slavers' Exile 9 Rest


All Restoration Magic-enhancing foci require 9 Restoration Magic.

Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Droknar's Restoration Focus HSR Rest 20% HCT Rest 20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue
Restoration Focus HSR Rest 20% HCT Rest 20% 5 Truffles 2.Ferndale
Restoration Focus HSR Rest 20% HCT Rest 20% 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 2.Vasburg Armory
2.Leviathan Pits
Oola's Focus HSR Rest 20% HP +30 Oola's Chest 4.Oola's Lab
Deldrimor Restoration Focus HSR Rest 20% HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Straw Effigy HSR Rest 20% HP +30 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path
Soulwhisper's Guardian En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 Soulwhisper, Elder Guardian 2.Gyala Hatchery (explorable)
Restoration Focus Rest +1 20% HP +30 5 Jade Bracelets
5 Mantis Pincers
2.Brauer Academy
Restoration Focus Rest +1 20% HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 2.Bukdek Byway

Restoration Magic-requiring[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that require 9 Restoration Magic, but do not specifically enhance the use of any attributes.

All weapons listed here deal Dark damage unless specified otherwise.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Alem's Remedy Dark HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) En +5 HP +30 Alem the Unclean 3.The Sulfurous Wastes 9 Rest
Staff of the Forgotten Dark HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) En +5 HP +30 1 Book of Secrets 3.Throne of Secrets 9 Rest
Deldrimor Restoration Staff HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) HP +30 HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Destroyer Restoration Staff Dark HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron,
10 Diamond, 10 Onyx
4.Slavers' Exile
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Roaring Ether Claws
5 Stone Claws
5 Stone Summit Emblems
3.The Mirror of Lyss
4.Cathedral of Flames
4.Vloxen Excavations
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Fiber 3.Crystal Overlook
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% En +7 (HP<50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Frigid Mandragor Husks 4.Bjora Marches
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Incubus Wings 4.Arbor Bay
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Fiber 3.Throne of Secrets
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Mandragor Husks 3.Crystal Overlook
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Fiber 3.Command Post
3.Wilderness of Bahdza
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Gold Doubloons 3.Barbarous Shore
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Fiber 3.Dzagonur Bastion
Deldrimor Restoration Staff HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 6 Fiber 3.Camp Hojanu
3.Turai's Procession
3.Vehtendi Valley
Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Bone, 20 Fiber 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Raven Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Feather, 20 Wood 4.Central Transfer Chamber
Charrslayer Restoration Staff Dark] HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bone, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Deldrimor Restoration Scepter (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Restoration Focus Dark (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
Restoration Focus Dark (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 20 Fiber 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Restoration Scepter Dark] (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Restoration Scepter Dark] (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Charrslayer Restoration Scepter Dark] (inscription slot) Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bone, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Restoration Focus HSR 10% HP +30 5 Roaring Ether Claws 3.The Mirror of Lyss
Restoration Focus En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5 Azure Crests 2.Seafarer's Rest
Restoration Focus En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 2.Maatu Keep
Restoration Focus AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Putrid Cysts
4 Azure Crests
2.The Marketplace
2.Silent Surf
Restoration Focus AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 2.Wajjun Bazaar
Restoration Focus Physical dmg -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Gold Doubloons 3.Barbarous Shore
Restoration Focus Physical dmg -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
Restoration Focus Physical dmg -5 (20%) HP +30 5 Sandblasted Lodestones 3.The Sulfurous Wastes
Restoration Focus Physical dmg -5 (20%) HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
Restoration Focus (inscription slot) HP +30 5 Skelk Fangs 4.Vloxen Excavations
Destroyer Restoration Focus (inscription slot) HP +30 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Diamond, 10 Onyx 4.Slavers' Exile
Restoration Focus (inscription slot) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Vaettir Essences 4.Raven's Point
Restoration Focus (inscription slot) HP +60 (hexed) 5 Lavastrider Appendages 4.Arachni's Haunt
Deldrimor Restoration Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Restoration Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 150 Dust, 50 Granite 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
Restoration Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Dust, 20 Granite 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Restoration Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Restoration Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Charrslayer Restoration Focus (inscription slot) AR +10 (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bone, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North