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Smiting Prayers-enhancing[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that specifically enhance the use of Smiting Prayers.

All Smiting Prayers-enhancing items require 9 Smiting Prayers, and the weapons deal Holy damage, unless specified otherwise.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Nifling's Staff Holy HSR (20%) HCT Smite 20% En +5 Enchant +20% Nifling the Chained 4.Varajar Fells 9 Smite
Droknar's Smiting Staff Holy HSR (20%) HCT Smite 20% HP +30 Enchant +20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Smite
Scourgewind's Branch Holy HSR (20%) HCT Smite 20% HP +30 Smite +1 20% Scourgewind, Elder Guardian 2.Silent Surf 9 Smite
Lotus Staff Holy HSR 20% HCT Smite 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Dredge Incisors 2.Brauer Academy 9 Smite
Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% HCT Smite 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Jade Mandibles
5 Minotaur Horns
5 Plague Idols
5 Warden Horns
1.Vulture Drifts
1.Diviner's Ascent
2.The Undercity
2.Morostav Trail
9 Smite
Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% HCT Smite 20% (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 2.Kaineng Center
2.House zu Heltzer
9 Smite


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Droknar's Smiting Scepter Holy HCT Smite 20% HSR Smite 20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy HCT Smite 20% HSR Smite 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 2.Vasburg Armory
2.Leviathan Pits
9 Smite
Smiting Rod1 Holy En +5 (HP>50%) HCT Smite 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 2.Bukdek Byway 9 Smite
Deldrimor Smiting Scepter En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Smite 20% 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Wayward Wand Holy En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Smite 20% 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path 9 Smite
Golden Boar Scepter Holy En +5 (HP>50%) HSR Smite 20% 1 Book of Secrets 3.Throne of Secrets 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy En +5 (HP<50%) HSR Smite 20% 5 Black Pearls
5 Kirin Horns
2.Gyala Hatchery (explorable)
2.Silent Surf
9 Smite
Ivor's Smiting Rod Holy En +5 (enchanted) HSR Smite 20% Ivor Helmhewer 1.Sorrow's Furnace 9 Smite
Wroth's Holy Rod Holy En +5 (enchanted) HSR Smite 20% Wroth Yakslapper 1.Grenth's Footprint 9 Smite
Riseh's Wand Holy En +5 (enchanted) HSR Smite 20% Riseh the Harmless 3.Bahdok Caverns 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy En +5 (enchanted) HSR Smite 20% 5 Modniir Manes 4.Drakkar Lake 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy En +5 (enchanted) HSR Smite 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 2.Wajjun Bazaar 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy En +7 (hexed) HSR Smite 20% 5 Jotun Pelts
5 Piles of Elemental Dust
4.Darkrime Delves
4.Catacombs of Kathandrax
9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy En +15; En regen -1 HSR Smite 20% 5 Krait Skins 4.Rata Sum 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy En +15; En regen -1 HSR Smite 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 2.Maatu Keep 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy Dmg +15 (HP>50%) HSR Smite 20% 5 Ruby Djinn Essences 3.The Alkali Pan 9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy Dmg +15 (HP>50%) HSR Smite 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
9 Smite
Smiting Rod Holy Dmg +15 (enchanted) HSR Smite 20% 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
9 Smite
Destroyer Smiting Scepter Holy (inscription slot) HSR Smite 20% 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Diamond, 10 Onyx 4.Slavers' Exile 9 Smite

1 This item has double inscriptions: the only available wand wrappings have a "Halves skill recharge" effect.



Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Droknar's Smiting Focus HSR Smite 20% HCT Smite 20% 1 Droknar's Key 4.Epilogue 9 Smite
Hallowed Idol HSR Smite 20% HCT Smite 20% 5 Azure Crests 2.Seafarer's Rest 9 Smite
Hallowed Idol HSR Smite 20% HCT Smite 20% 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Vasburg Armory
2.Leviathan Pits
9 Smite
Deldrimor Smiting Focus HSR Smite 20% HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Straw Effigy HSR Smite 20% HP +30 1 Amulet of the Mists 2.Divine Path 9 Smite
Shen's Censure Smite +1 20% HSR Smite 20% Shen, the Magistrate 2.Wajjun Bazaar 9 Smite
The Skinflayer Smite +1 20% HP +30 Gorlos Skinflayer 4.Heart of the Shiverpeaks 9 Smite
Hallowed Idol Smite +1 20% HP +30 5 Putrid Cysts
5 Bone Charms
2.Shenzun Tunnels
2.The Aurios Mines (location)
9 Smite
Hallowed Idol Smite +1 20% HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Bukdek Byway 9 Smite
Hamlen's Artifact Smite +1 20% HP +45 (enchanted) Hamlen the Fallen 3.The Ruptured Heart 9 Smite
Ivor's Icon2 Smite +1 20% HSR 10% Ivor Helmhewer 1.Sorrow's Furnace 9 DF

2 This item has a requirement of 9 Divine Favor, and also has double inscriptions: the only available focus cores have a "Halves casting time" effect or a "Health +x" bonus.


Smiting Prayers-requiring[]

This is a list of max-damage weapons and foci that require 9 Smiting Prayers, but do not specifically enhance the use of any attributes.

All weapons listed here deal Holy damage unless specified otherwise.


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Head Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Deldrimor Smiting Staff HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) HP +30 HP +30 1 Deldrimor Talisman 1.Droknar's Forge
Destroyer Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% En +5 (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron,
10 Diamond, 10 Onyx
4.Slavers' Exile
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Behemoth Hides
5 Saurian Bones
3.Vehjin Mines
4.Sparkfly Swamp
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% En +5 (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Crystal Overlook
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% En +7 (HP<50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Amphibian Tongues 4.Bogroot Growths
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Undead Bones 4.Shards of Orr
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% En +15; En regen -1 (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Throne of Secrets
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5 Inscribed Shards 3.Crystal Overlook
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% Dmg +15% (HP>50%) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Command Post
3.Wilderness of Bahdza
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% Dmg +15% (enchanted) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Dzagonur Bastion
Deldrimor Smiting Staff HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 6 Dust 3.Camp Hojanu
3.Turai's Procession
3.Vehtendi Valley
Winged Staff Holy HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Wood, 20 Dust 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Raven Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Feather, 20 Wood 4.Central Transfer Chamber
Charrslayer Smiting Staff Holy HSR 20% (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bone, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Wrapping Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Deldrimor Smiting Scepter (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Smiting Rod Holy (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 6 Dust 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
Smiting Rod Holy (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Dust 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Smiting Scepter Holy (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Smiting Scepter Holy (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Charrslayer Smiting Scepter Holy (inscription slot) Dmg +20% (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bone, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North


Weapon D. type Inherent Inscription Prefix Core Acquisition C.Location ⇒ NPC Req
Hallowed Idol HSR 10% HP +30 5 Behemoth Hides 3.Vehjin Mines
Hallowed Idol En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5 Kraken Eyes 2.Unwaking Waters (explorable)
Hallowed Idol En +15; En regen -1 HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Maatu Keep
Hallowed Idol AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Kraken Eyes 2.Zos Shivros Channel (location)
Hallowed Idol AR +5 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 2.Wajjun Bazaar
Hallowed Idol Physical dmg -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Sentient Lodestones 3.Kodonur Crossroads
Hallowed Idol Physical dmg -2 (enchanted) HP +45 (enchanted) 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 3.Command Post
3.The Kodash Bazaar
Hallowed Idol Physical dmg -5 (20%) HP +30 5 Sapphire Djinn Essences 3.Poisoned Outcrops
Hallowed Idol Physical dmg -5 (20%) HP +30 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 3.Marga Coast
3.Basalt Grotto
Deldrimor Smiting Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 10Platinum, 10 Steel, 10 Deldrimor Steel 1.Droknar's Forge
Hallowed Idol (inscription slot) HP +30 5 Frozen Wurm Husks 4.Jaga Moraine
Destroyer Smiting Focus (inscription slot) HP +30 5Platinum, 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Diamond, 10 Onyx 4.Slavers' Exile
Hallowed Idol (inscription slot) HP +45 (enchanted) 5 Dryder Webs 4.Sepulchre of Dragrimmar
Hallowed Idol (inscription slot) HP +60 (hexed) 5 Piles of Elemental Dust 4.Sepulchre of Dragrimmar
Hallowed Idol (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 150 Granite, 50 Chitin 3.Command Post
3.Kodonur Crossroads
3.Barbarous Shore
Hallowed Idol (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Granite, 20 Chitin 4.Sifhalla
4.Tarnished Haven
4.Gadd's Encampment
Norn Smiting Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Wood 4.Gunnar's Hold
Asuran Smiting Focus (inscription slot) (upgrade slot) 5Platinum, 40 Iron, 20 Granite 4.Rata Sum
Charrslayer Smiting Focus (inscription slot) AR +10 (vs Charr) 2.5Platinum, 40 Bone, 5 Fur, 1 Claw, 1 Fang 4.Eye of the North