Full: Create a level 1...16spirit. This spirit heals all party members within earshot for 3...9Health each second. This spirit loses 3...9 Health for each party member healed in this way. This Spirit dies after 30...78 seconds.
Concise: Creates a level 1...16spirit (30...78 second lifespan). Heals party members in earshot for 3...9 each second. Healing cost: this spirit loses 3...9Health.
Unlike Preservation and Life, this spirit will only heal hurt allies, so if the entire team is at full health, this spirit will not lose health.
10 health per second is equal to 5 pips of health regeneration. Compare to Recuperation, which grants only 3. But it is important to note that Rejuvenation only affects party members in earshot and harms itself in doing so, while Recuperation affects all allies in a significantly larger radius without dying. For a stronger, faster heal, use Rejuvenation. For a somewhat weaker heal with greater longevity and range, choose Recuperation.
Spells such as Soul Bind and Scourge Healing cast on allies will cause a large amount of damage to this spirit each second.
At 16 Restoration, this spirit will have 129 armor; combine that with Armor of Unfeeling and it will be able to take great amounts of damage.
The spirit created by this skill has the highest level, relative to attribute, of any binding ritual in the game.
Spirits, like minions, grow larger in size as they increase in level. Because of its high level, this spirit (at high levels of Restoration Magic) becomes quite massive, easily twice the size of some characters.