GuildWars Wiki



  1. Find Verata in Traveler's Vale and put an end to his experiments.
  2. Return to Necromancer Morgan for your reward.

Obtained from

Necromancer Morgan in Yak's Bend.


Class: Necromancer


350 XP
Necrotic Traversal
Defile Flesh
Well of Blood


"As you've no doubt heard, there have been a number of recent disappearances among the townsfolk. Thus far we've assumed they fell victim to the Stone Summit or the local menaces. The truth, Grenth forgive us, is something much worse. One of our Order, a promising Necromancer named Verata, has been experimenting with new ways to enhance and maintain summoned minions. Normally this would be a good thing, however, in his lust for power Verata has been kidnapping Ascalon citizen for use in his experiments! He was also spotted waylaying travelers coming up into the mountains from Ascalaon. We must stop him, quickly and discreetly, before anyone can link the disappearances with our Order."

