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Safiya Expert Monk
Species: Human
Profession: Monk
Level(s): 20


Safiya is a Monk expert for the Sunspears. He, together with fellow Monk expert Faraji, periodically casts spells to remove conditions from the nearby Wounded Villagers. He also explains about conditions and hexes.

Quests Involved In[]


Skills Used[]


To Monks or those without a secondary profession:

"Shoddy work! This is terrible! Look at those Hexes and Conditions on these villagers! It's such a mess. I'm glad to have help."
Tell me about conditions.
"Conditions are often side effects of other skills, although some professions specialize in causing Conditions. Conditions may slow you down, deal damage to you, or affect your ability to cast spells or receive healing. All Conditions wear off eventually, but they can also be removed or transferred with special skills.
A small, brown, downward arrow on a character's Health Bar indicates that the character is suffering from a Condition. If you are suffering from a Condition, a gold-colored icon with a gold border will appear on the upper left-hand corner of your screen."
Tell me about Hexes.
"Hex spells cause negative effects for a period of time. They may damage your foes directly, prevent them from using certain skills, or decrease their abilities. A small, purple downward arrow on a character's Health Bar indicates that a Hex spell has been cast upon your character. If a Hex spell is cast upon you, you can read its description and learn its effects by hovering your mouse over the spell's icon in the top left corner of your default screen. Hex spells that cause Health degeneration will turn your Health Bar purple."

During quest Secondary Training:

"Our whole village... ruined! And worse, these people are so Hexed that half of them think they're moa birds and the other half are coming down with the gorilla-nose flu! It's just beastly! This is going to take me days to reverse... if I can get the time. More keep coming from the front lines every hour. Can you help me with this mess, or am I on my own?"
Can you teach me some Monk skills?
(Safiya teaches the skills Remove Hex and Mend Ailment)
Tell me about conditions.
(see above)
Tell me about Hexes.
(see above)

To those of other professions with the secondary profession already chosen:

"This one thinks she's a hyena. She won't stop laughing long enough for me to get the Hex off! Hold her, will you?"