Concise: (5...18 seconds.) Enemy spells cannot target you. Gain 5 damage reduction for each Assassin enchantment on you. You cannot deal more than 5...21 damage with a single skill or attack.
Can be maintained at 12 Shadow Arts with Deadly Paradox and a weapon of Enchanting. Primary assassins can substitute Glyph of Swiftness for Deadly Paradox if Shadow Arts is raised to 14.
You can still be hit by AoE if you are standing next to the intended target.
Shadow Form's damage reduction is always calculated before Protective Spirit, regardless of the order they are cast.
Anomaly! Refreshing any Assassin enchantment before it ends will add an additional 5 damage reduction. Enchantments that refresh automatically, such as Critical Defenses, will also give additional damage reduction. Any additional damage reduction is lost if Shadow Form itself is refreshed.