GuildWars Wiki
Skale Polymock Piece
Skale Polymock Piece
Item details


  • Starter Piece

Polymock build[]

Health: 3000 Energy: 30
Polymock Deathly Chill

Polymock Deathly Chill

Polymock Rising Bile

Polymock Rising Bile

Polymock Rotting Flesh

Polymock Rotting Flesh

Polymock Power Drain

Polymock Power Drain

Polymock Block

Polymock Block

Polymock Glyph of Concentration

Polymock Glyph of Concentration

Polymock Ether Signet

Polymock Ether Signet

Polymock Glyph of Power

Polymock Glyph of Power


Usage Notes:[]

  • Good as a starter piece as it does 150 damage with its spammable attack to enemies > 50% health and has two damage skills, both of which do a great deal of damage but take time to activate and thus benefit from facing a healthy opponent.

Polymock Pieces
Aloe SeedEarth ElementalFire ElementalFire ImpGakiGargoyleIce ElementalIce ImpKappaMantis DreamweaverMergoyleMirage IbogaMursaat ElementalistNaga ShamanRuby DjinnSkaleStone RainWind Rider

Only used by NPC opponents: Bone DragonCharr FlamecallerCharr ShamanDolyak RiderDredgeDwarven ArcanistSkeletal MageSmoke WraithTitan
