GuildWars Wiki

This quest is far easier than Masters of Corruption, and yet has the same reward. Unless you really enjoy long battles and high possibility of dying, do not Drink from the Chalice of Corruption. Queen Schmuck 00:26, 12 December 2006 (CST)

I enjoy long battles so i took the drink thing and it bugged to the master thing..


The reasoning for the bug tag I just added is that I have now twice gotten credit for 10 kills when I have only killed 8, going west in Bukdek Byway from the Marketplace. I know that the Am Fah nearby often fight the Jade Brotherhood, so I suspect that's where the extra credit is coming from. Issa Dabir 06:44, 7 June 2007 (CDT)

Yeh, there are like four places they can aggro each other. That's most likely where the extra kills are coming from. -Auron My Talk 06:52, 7 June 2007 (CDT)