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I say a duplicate is useless because both of them disable all nonattack skills for ten seconds. So unless this counts as an attack skill I see no reason to have this and Tigers Fury.

Both only disable skills for 5 seconds, but i do agree that this is one of the worse duplicates. --KittySoft 10:08, 18 May 2006 (CDT)
Considering Tiger's Fury is a prophocies only skill and Bestial Fury is a factions only skill I don't see how you can say its a bad duplicate. It was put in there to give people with only factions the benefit of actually having the skill. Chuiu Me Icon(T/C) 10:17, 18 May 2006 (CDT)
Yes.. they weren't duplicated for usefulness Skuld Monk 10:26, 18 May 2006 (CDT)
I wasn't sure if duplicating this skill had any use at all (after all, they could've just made this a core-skill instead of duplicating it), but I found that taking both skills while using very low beast-mastery (even as low as zero!) allowed me to use Tiger's Fury, a non-attack skill for the sake of healing/buffing, and then Bestial Fury while Tiger's Fury cooled down. It's a relatively risk-free way of constantly keeping your attack-speed up while allowing you to use non-attack skills when desired. It also means that players can put all of their points in different stats, as this way of playing encourages you to keep Beast Mastery very low... just a thought.
Exactly. With zero points in Beastmastery, you can keep attacking 33% faster all the time with these two skills (since these skills take 10 seconds to recharge). This is obviously very expensive to keep up, but there may be builds where attacking as fast as absolutely possible is meaningful (maybe a R/A with Zealous or Vampiric dagger tangs?) --JoDiamonds 11:29, 22 June 2006 (CDT)

Are pet attacks disabled? Flesh Over Steel 10:37, 15 December 2006 (CST)

No. -- 17:13, 22 December 2006 (CST)

Remove the W/R note. Frenzy, Flurry, Tiger Stance, Burst of Aggression, Berserker Stance, Flail and even IWAY work better. 10e sucks hard for a warrior and 25% isn't even good enough to build decent adrenaline.--Rickyvantof 15:59, 27 April 2007 (CDT)


"A general misconception is that attacking 25% faster makes you swing 25% more. The increased number of swings is actually around 133%, as the amount increased applies to the time of attack, and not to attack rate." Is this necessary? From what I understand, this belongs on the attack speed page, as it's listed on no (or very few) other IAS skills' pages. 01:53, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

It used to be on like every IAS page, but then it was removed cause it's not really important/no one cares. This is a bad IAS that no one uses so it was probably overlooked. Entropy Sig (T/C) 02:36, 6 March 2009 (UTC)