This is a great quest for farming Lightbringer and Sunspear points. Leave from Chantry of Secrets and pick up the Kournan bounty just outside the portal. Make your way down to the astrerisk. You will encounter a couple of bosses on the way. However, just on the other side of the asterisk is a res shrine with a Whispers Informant who gives a Margonite bounty. Take the bounty and then kill the onslaught of Margonites. If you want to continue farming, there are scads of Kournans and a few Margonites in the fortress as well. Then map back to Chantry of Secrets, abandon the quest, and take it again. Rinse and repeat! Crimson Butcher 19:10, 24 November 2006 (CST)
Between a rock is a name of a quest in runescape, though it has no conection. Zorgix 04:48, 2 April 2007 (CDT)
- Yeah, wouldn't start drawing parallels between different products like that, more likely that both developered used the same "English idiom that describes a difficult situation where one is faced with two unsatisfactory options" as insipration for their different quests. --Wolfie
(talk|contribs) 20:29, 2 April 2007 (CDT)