zomg! — Skuld 05:20, 1 June 2006 (CDT)
So, really ugly, scary, pain-causing Elementalist boss drops an item called his fury, and it's... pink...—Aranth 08:46, 29 July 2006 (CDT)
- How cute is that o_O. I want one of these >< 16:58, 28 September 2006 (CDT)
- It burns my eyes. DancingZombies 11:36, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
- Aranth, that the best comment i've ever seen :D
Tomoko Pink Angel 13:52, 12 January 2007 (CST)
- Aranth, that the best comment i've ever seen :D
- It burns my eyes. DancingZombies 11:36, 30 September 2006 (CDT)