GuildWars Wiki

Move proposal[]

Project talk:Style and formatting/Bestiary#Name priority


1 hp —BlastThatTBlastedt 16:35, 15 February 2007 (CST)


(and yes, I know I spelled that wrong)

Note: Their profession was determined based on the fact that they wield a bow Granted, but Beast Sworn Heket are rangers and they use axes... Kyroth Vyzaltar 23:09, 17 June 2007 (CDT)

Beast Sworn are also using Rampage as One IIRC, which is generally a skill designed for Rangers with Warrior weapons. Also, Hard Mode should tell us what profession they are as they'd have skills and whatnot. --Kale Ironfist 00:41, 18 June 2007 (CDT)