GuildWars Wiki


If you drop a mirror on the floor and then position the camera to look at the back, non-reflective side, there's an unmistakable picture of Lyssa there..... i have too much time on my hands -_- -- User:Aptaleon Griefhaven

Origin of the mirrors.[]

As said by the quest giver the mirrors were made in the far off land of Elona. Elona is the name of the continent that Nightfall takes place in. The Guild Wars website also says that Elona is a very wealthy area so maybe we'll see more of these expensive mirrors when the game is released.

Well, now that the game is released, i don't see any mirrors.-- 18:17, 2 February 2007 (CST)

yeah but they hav pictures of lyssa, doesnt vabbi worship lyssa? --Rmg 171091 17:14, 13 February 2007 (CST)

What do you call this? :P Arshay Duskbrow 17:46, 13 February 2007 (CST)