GuildWars Wiki

SoC confirmed --Gares Redstorm 23:49, 3 June 2006 (CDT)

Aren't there at least two or three random drake spawns? --Fyren 18:09, 1 December 2005 (UTC)

Yes, but Dosakaru Fevertouch (necro) and Skintekaru Manshredder (warrior) are always on the northeastern side. And I don't believe the drake spawns are random. Fevertouch is always directly in the path of Maxine Coldstone (ranger), for one. (I could be wrong about this.) — Stabber (talk) 20:34, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
I've seen the warrior and necro ones north, ele and necro ones in the middle and warrior one west, I think its random Skuld Monk 11:49, 24 April 2006 (CDT)
Last night I ran into Manshredder at the boss spawn north of the Ether Seal, which leads me to believe it's random instead of fixed spawns. LordKestrel 12:24, 24 April 2006 (CDT)
It's completely random, but each has his/hers favourite spawn spot as most bosses with random spawns. --Gem-icon-sm (talk) 07:14, 4 August 2006 (CDT)
I ran the whole predition rock today and wiped out the whole map including every boss but this thing didn't spawn. I don't know if it is random or been removed.
No dude, they're random spawns. Sometimes I clean out Perdition Rock and I find no Drake bosses at all. Doesn't mean they're not there. You just have to check several times until you find 'em...


Am I the only one that noticed this guy does fire damage and his name is Earthwind? **Hint** -- James Sumners 20:55, 13 October 2006 (CDT)

Was running around Perdition Rock today, I think it should be added to his article page that he is indeed a random spawn :/