Now if only this had a unique skin too... Good staff, rare drop, but replicable and boring to look at.
- Agreed. I can't stand too look at it, but I love using it. -
04:43, 24 June 2007 (CDT)
Same here its one of the ugly ones but i love using it too :p hard to come by though, they very rarely drop for anyone anymore so it seems. i did 30~ runs and it didnt drop once :( so i had to buy one...
things that make ya go "hmmm"[]
This weapon's stats are the same as the Kaolin Domination Staff except with +5 energy instead of +30 health.
the same ... except
Yes that's helpful and worth noting... >.> removed -->Suicidal Tendencie 13:24, 23 July 2008 (UTC)