GuildWars Wiki

Why on earth[]

I've noticed the following description seems to be on several of the armor types; The [[{{PAGENAME}}]] is an armor art used by all armor types in [[Factions Campaign]]. and I ask myself... why?! For one thing, PAGENAME is bad form, but more to the point: it makes no sense. None of the armor arts are "used by all armor types" unless there's some hidden reference to the functionality types, but even then it's a stretch. Or am I completely missing something? --Bishop (rap|con) 20:49, 11 May 2006 (CDT)

type is being used to mean function types -PanSola 21:12, 11 May 2006 (CDT)
And you don't agree that is both a stretch and terribly unclear? --Bishop (rap|con) 21:15, 11 May 2006 (CDT)
A convention seems to have developed that unqualified type = stats, probably because that's the only relevant type from a strategic / game mechanics perspective. *Wants Prophecies armour crafters to offer all core stat types with any Prophecies art style like the crafters in Factions*. -- Gordon Ecker 22:11, 19 July 2006 (CDT)

anyone think it may be worth mentioning the converse? It also seems the ranger is the only profession bothered with laces... ::Soqed Hozi::


hasn't the cost of the shing jea version of the armour been reduced, it hasn't got any wood i dont think


is the female chestpiece bugged? because the dye icon shows it fulled dyed in whatever color u use. but the actual armor is half transparent. and it seems to glitch when u zoom out

Female shirt[]

Was that a PvP chara used for the female pictures? I remember having that transparency issue on the shirt with my PvP ranger but I've had no such trouble with my PvE ranger... might be like the dye diff on I believe it was woven armor. Test and maybe reshoot? Qing Guang 20:56, 10 May 2009 (UTC)