GuildWars Wiki

Should this retain its current look im pretty sure most of WoT fans will be dissapointed ;p

Wat's WoT?--Marcopolo47 signature new (Talk) (Contr.) 17:30, 30 August 2007 (CDT)
I believe he is talking about the Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan. --Hrothgarsig (talk) 17:37, 30 August 2007 (CDT)
This image is too darkness - i don't see sword... --Grethort 09:37, 1 September 2007 (CDT)
Just look at Dead Sword its the same as they are non dyeable.--Diddy Bow 09:46, 1 September 2007 (CDT)

If you're talking about Callandor then i really doubt it's a reference. I'd say it is actually just a coincidence...... for once :PDekboi. 13:40, 17 September 2007 (CDT)

Well it might also be a reference to Kinslayer's Dagger, the mountain range in the Dragonwall Matrim Squirrel crossbow 02:44, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

It's a dead sword