GuildWars Wiki
GuildWars Wiki

I just don't think is helpful to anyoneSkuld Monk 04:23, 18 June 2006 (CDT)

I totally thought this term refers to the attribute a weapon requires, like Divine Favor for Holy Staff. -User:PanSola (talk to the Follower of Lyssa) 22:38, 3 July 2006 (CDT)
I always heard it as more general; If you had a staff, the weapon's attributes were a listing of all characteristics of the staff (damage levels, req. for max damage, wwrapping and head mod characteristics, etc). To me, this is an extremely generic term, and could be deleted. --- Barek (talkcontribs) - 10:46, 13 July 2006 (CDT)

move proposal[]

I believe this is player jargon rather than an official in-game term, and, as I understand it, article naming conventions mandate lowercase for everything except acronyms, proper nouns and official game terms that use capitolisation. -- Gordon Ecker 22:59, 28 July 2006 (CDT)