Worse then last years... Luminarus 07:49, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
- Yea this is pretty badly done. I wish i had been in Kamadan instead. GW-Viruzzz 07:51, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
- We got a match for those who like their hair! Yaaay ---
-- (s)talkpage 12:06, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
- It looks like the mummy mask is in fact a ripoff then :p
(T/C) 16:53, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
- I tlooks quite cool on my Necro TBH, but crappy on all the others :D
- Yeesh, this year's stuff was naff. I think Devil horns would be good (more sensical than the Grenth Horns, which I wasn't around to get), or a gory face. Heck, why limit festival stuff to the head? Some cool gloves or something, I dunno
डरन्नठतरपन्नṮḀḺḴ 22:49, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
- Yeesh, this year's stuff was naff. I think Devil horns would be good (more sensical than the Grenth Horns, which I wasn't around to get), or a gory face. Heck, why limit festival stuff to the head? Some cool gloves or something, I dunno
- I tlooks quite cool on my Necro TBH, but crappy on all the others :D
- It looks like the mummy mask is in fact a ripoff then :p
- We got a match for those who like their hair! Yaaay ---
The picture could be of a better character. On my Necromancer, this mask blends in pretty well with his face. Perhaps some middle ground, so that it doesn't look THAT poorly made. Also, I've been hoping for them to do more than masks for over a year, but I don't think that'll change, or else there will be complaints from a different crowd. I'm pretty pleased that they at least tried for this one, instead of ripping us off like with Cantha's events. Ephidel 02:49, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
We're here with Jonathan[]
"I like turtles." Darmikau 01:20, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
maybe speed buffs en masse and reenact a certain movie with fast zombies that involves the nnumber 28?>