GuildWars Wiki
The Hunger
The Hunger
Species: Demon
Level(s): 28


The Hunger is one of Abaddon's minions and in service to Varesh Ossa. While only one of many demons at Varesh Ossa's disposal for bringing about the Nightfall, it is the only one that speaks during cinematics.

It is likely named for its intense appetite for meat (alluded to in the quest Herds to the Slaughter). The creature, like Varesh Ossa herself, seems to share a bond with other demons, most notably The Drought.

The Hunger constantly spams Hunger's Bite to inflict multiple conditions and steal health from a foe. Note that Hunger's Bite can not be disabled, and interrupting the skill is not effective due to the 0 recharge time and inability to disable it.

Despite its size, the Hunger can be knocked down. Also Lightbringer's Gaze works great against The Hunger.


  • Kourna
    • Consulate Docks (Mission) (Cinematic only)
    • Kodonur Crossroads (Mission) (Cinematic only)
    • Pogahn Passage (Mission) (Cinematic Only)
    • Rilohn Refuge (Mission) (Cinematic Only)
    • Moddok Crevice (Mission)

Skills used

