GuildWars Wiki


Quest map


  1. Go to the Prophet's Path and slay the Sacred Griffon of Amnoon.

Obtained from

Zratha Kor in Heroes' Audience


Ascension / Having accepted the quest The Hero's Journey (?)
Not being primary or secondary Necromancer


1,000 XP

After completing this quest it will be possible to change your secondary class to Necromancer.


"Tell me, have you ever felt the call of Grenth within your heart? The ignorant view necromancy and our cold god as tainted by evil. It is nothing of the sort. Grenth invites you to cast aside all the illusions of this world and judge things truly as they are.
It is not too late for you to take this path. Go into the Prophet's Path and slay the Sacred Griffon of Amnoon, a creature once worhsipped by the people of the desert. This will show me that you are not deceived by the gilded trappings of sanctity that beguile so many."


Start from Augury Rock. Follow the map. The majority of the monsters you will face will be Desert Griffons who do holy damage so the only tip is not to rely heavily on undead minions.
