GuildWars Wiki
Transmogrifier Tonic
Transmogrifier Tonic
Subtype Party favor
Rarity Common
Skill Avatar of Sweetness
Value 0 Gold
Stackable Yes
Campaign Core
Uses 1
Festiveness 2

The Transmogrifier Tonic is an item from the Halloween special events.


Double-click to embody the spirit of Halloween. This item cannot be used in PvP.



Avatar of Sweetness effect

A player under the effects of Avatar of Sweetness.

  • The emotes used by the Avatar of Sweetness are identical to the female necromancer emotes.
  • Rarely, the character will use the /clap emote immediately after transforming.
  • Can be used in conjunction with Squash Serum so that you may have a pumpkin head while under the tonic's effect.
  • One of only three types of tonics that can be used in an explorable area, along with Zaishen Tonic, Yuletide Tonic and their Everlasting versions.


  • A transmogrifier is a fictional device used for transforming one object into another object.

See also[]
