Full: Create a level 1...10spirit. Whenever a non-spirit ally in its range takes damage or life steal, it is reduced by 15 and the spirit takes 15 damage. This spirit dies after 30...54 seconds.
Concise: Creates a level 1...10spirit (30...54 second lifespan). Whenever a non-spirit ally within range takes damage or life steal, it is reduced by 15 and the spirit takes 15 damage.
Combine with Armor of Unfeeling to effectively double the number of times the spirit can reduce damage for you.
If a player takes less than 15 damage, Union will only take damage equal to the damage reduced.
Using Union after Shelter will produce an additional 15 damage prevention after the 10% reduction. However, using Union first will not cause the same effect.
The icon for this skill resembles the Friends icon in the menu button list.