GuildWars Wiki


During the Wintersday 2006 event, collectors appeared in several outposts within the Prophecies and Nightfall campaign. Each collected a different trophy and offered some of the following Wintersday items in return:



Spiked Eggnog

Spiked Eggnog2



Snowman Summoner

Snowman Summoner

Wintersday Gift

Wintersday Gift3

Wintergreen Candy Cane

Wintergreen Candy Cane

Yuletide Tonic

Yuletide Tonic4

  1. Eggnog is only offered by the followers of Dwayna in Tyria and is only offered by the followers of Grenth in Elona.
  2. Spiked Eggnog is only offered by the followers of Grenth in Tyria and is only offered by the followers of Dwayna in Elona.
  3. Wintersday Gift is only offered by Wintersday Gift Givers, who do not offer any other items.
  4. Yuletide Tonics are only offered by Tina & Terum the Tonic Makers, who do not offer any other items.



Name Location Collecting Follower of
Priest Erwin Ascalon City 2 Ornate Grawl Necklaces Dwayna
Priestess Clara Ascalon City 3 Charr Carvings Dwayna
Necromancer Ichibaun Ascalon City 2 Stormy Eyes Grenth
Necromancer Malaise Ascalon City 2 Singed Gargoyle Skulls Grenth
Priestess Siara Lion's Arch 1 Shadowy Remnants Dwayna
Dark Priest Calmein Lion's Arch 2 Feathered Caromi Scalps Grenth
Necromancer Kalvori Lion's Arch 2 Hardened Humps Grenth
Terum the Tonic Maker Lion's Arch 1 Glob of Frozen Ectoplasm n/a
Priest Meran Lion's Arch 3 Decayed Orr Emblems Dwayna
Acolyte Rockhammer Droknar's Forge 1 Frozen Remnant Dwayna
Dark Priestess Velna Droknar's Forge 1 Dredge Manifesto Grenth
Dark Priest Shadowvein Droknar's Forge 2 Frigid Hearts Grenth
Abbot Silverbeard Droknar's Forge 3 Stone Summit Badges Dwayna
Wintersday Gift Giver Ascalon City
Lion's Arch
Droknar's Forge
5 Candy Cane Shards Dwayna1
  1. Unlike other Dwayna collectors, the Wintersday Gift Giver only offers Wintersday Gifts.


Name Location Collecting Follower of
Dark Priest Bandeh Kamadan 2 Silver Bullion Coins Grenth
Monk Sutoni Kamadan 3 Sentient Roots Dwayna
Priestess Mahni Kamadan 3 Copper Shillings Dwayna
Necromancer Dunbari Kamadan 3 Juvenile Termite Legs Grenth
Tina the Tonic Maker Kamadan 1 Glob of Frozen Ectoplasm n/a
Wintersday Gift Giver Kamadan 5 Candy Cane Shards Dwayna1
  1. Unlike other Dwayna collectors, the Wintersday Gift Giver only offers Wintersday Gifts.