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英文:Aurora Glade

12-Aurora Glade



A long time ago, a tribe of human druids ventured into the jungle to make peace with the jungle. For many years they lived in harmony with the Maguuma, making their home in the Aurora Glade. Though there are rumors, no one has actually seen or heard from any of the druids in over a hundred years.



Mission Objectives[]


  • 前往進入丹拉維聖地傳送門
  • 白斗篷更早一步掌握進入丹拉維聖地傳送門
  • 附加神秘水晶放到荊棘之座上淨化藤蔓之門
  • 隱藏任務 刺殺煽動者
  • 附加 在所有荊棘基座上放置神秘水晶淨化藤蔓之門
  • 附加 殺死聖地守護者.


The mission begins with an easy but long run through the jungle. Attune the first pedestal to clear the vines blocking the path (A on the map). Fight on until you get to a spot with two pedestals, one on each side (B on the map). To open the way forward, both pedestals need to be attuned with crystals. These can be obtained from the druid at the bottom end of the glade. Doing this starts the White Mantle running to attune the Henge Portal, so make sure you have your tactics discussed first. If you see someone running to place crystals and you are uncertain that they understand the nature of the mission, wait at the druid until they place the first crystal, then grab the second crystal as soon as it appears. Now you have control of the timing.

Attune the Henge Portal by attuning all three pedestals with crystals before the White Mantle succeed in attuning them all. The crystals are located at point C on the map and the pedestals at the three point Ds on the map.

After the pedestals are attuned, a cut scene plays and you are transported into the henge. There you need to kill the Henge Guardian, a level 20 巨獸; this should be an easy fight. Afterwards, another cut scene plays and you will find yourself at the 丹拉維聖地.

Tip: One tactic that worked was to let the Mantle claim all but one pedestal. The last one they try to claim is the one directly opposite where they appear from. To get here, they have to go between two cliff areas and then across a land bridge, providing two natural choke points where it is easy to kill the runners with their crystals. Place the majority of the group between the two cliffs and another one or two back at the bridge in case the crystal-runner gets through. Often, you can block the runner with your character's body. Once you have done this, just slay all White Mantle that come out. When no more come, the bonus mission is trivial, as is claiming all the pedestals.

Tip: Slowing down the Mantle runners makes this quest a lot easier. Therefore, 戰士s should equip skills like 衝刺 and 斷腿攻擊. 幻術師s, bring along your 意念負荷 or 幻影負荷 (whichever lasts longer, based on your skill specializations), or both, if you can, because of the long regeneration times. 元素使s have several slowing/knockdown skills, especially in 水系魔法 and 地系魔法. 遊俠s should equip 射足.

Tip If the party isn't interested in doing the bonus or doesn't care, they can simply run the crystals to open the Henge Portal. With a party of 2 or more, or a single player with speed skills (Rangers take 追風者 and 閃避, Warriors take 衝刺, Elementalists take 霧之護甲; reapply when it regenerates), the White Mantle can be outrun to the attunement pedestals.


Rescue the ranger 長弓雷斯 from the White Mantle attacking him (1 on the map). He will tell you of the 煽動者, a powerful member of the Mantle, whom you should kill.

When you get to the final crystal stage, the Demagogue is positioned near the back where all the White Mantle are coming from (2 on the map).

Tip: One way to complete the bonus is to kill all the Mantle's runners first, and then drive your way to where the Mantle are coming from. This means that at least one pedestal needs to be in the possession of the White Mantle until the bonus is completed. You will need to be extra vigilant in ensuring that all the Mantle runners are dead.

Tip: The safest way to do the bonus is to do the following:

  • Capture the pedestal nearest you (immediately to your right as you enter and nearest the crystals pod).
  • Let them take the leftmost pedestal, then kill the forces protecting the pedestal, but do not take it (it is usually the first one taken by them).
  • Capture the pedestal nearest the White Mantle (straight across from the one you hold).
  • Now, one of your members should stay behind (preferably a Warrior with Sprint, but class makes no difference) and grab a crystal.
  • The White Mantle will try to retake this one consistently. They will send forces there, group by group and their runners will come here.
  • Ignore the White Mantle runner. Every time he runs to the pedestal, let him retake it and then have your runner retake it again. The dumb runner will go back to get another crystal; you should have your runner do likewise and wait for him.
  • Make it very clear to your runner that he should not take the third pedestal, otherwise the mission ends before you get the bonus.
  • The remaining five members of your group should slowly advance, killing small group after small group until you demolish all the White Mantle forces. In the end, the Demagogue will be left alone and easy to kill. Do not rush the entrance, or you wll be swarmed by a group of 8-10 White Mantle; wait for them to exit group-by-group.

Tip: Another way to do the Bonus is by force-killing the Demagogue. It's the fastest way, but there's no assurance that you can complete the Mission afterwards. So, doing the Bonus this way is meant for players who already did the Mission. So, as you get the crystal, let the White Mantle attune the left pedestal. Let them go (do not attack) and then attune it yourself. Now, run to the right path, past the middle pedestal, and wait for the White Mantle runner to come back to attune the left pedestal again. As they leave his quarters, rush there (by the right path), ignore the White Mantle there and go straight to the Demagogue. Throw everything you've got at him; hopefully you will kill him and complete the Bonus.


  • 謙恭的拉斯
  • 放縱的曼統
  • 鐵腳跟霍特
  • 仁慈的加爾
  • 信徒肯利克
  • 嚴謹的卡司柏特
  • 活力之樹

Skill Capture[]

  • 灼熱氣息 from 放縱的曼統 (not available before 銅錘礦坑).
  • 神之干預 from 仁慈的加爾 (not available before 銅錘礦坑).
  • 降咒轉換 from 仁慈的加爾 (not available before 藍口營地).
  • 內疚 from 謙恭的拉斯 (not available before 遺失的寶劍 quest at 英雄之痕).
  • 蛛化精靈防禦 from 嚴謹的卡司柏特 (not available before 馬翰洞穴).
  • 痛苦命令 from 信徒肯利克 (not available before 雪橇港)
  • 褻瀆之池 from 信徒肯利克 (not available before 遺失的寶劍 quest at 英雄之痕)

Additional Notes[]

The players will be in the 丹拉維聖地 at the completion of this mission.
